The Scar ! .. (1)

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Warning : violence and torture ..

Riddhima hugged her knees tightly sobbing hard ... She cannot believe she lost her love , her reason to breathe , her everything ....

She observed her surrounding .. The room where she built so many memories with him .. was now silent , was could not be recognised now in this loneliness ....

" Vansh !!! " She cried , screaming on top of her ...

She was so helpless watching how her jaan jumping from cliff with a smile of proved wrong .. He believed her to be always toward her but .. She wasn't .. And Riddhima regret this .. Why !! How can she keep a relationship with her ex when she was married ..

If she believed her boyfriend that Vansh Rai Singhania is a white collar mafia .. then why the hell !! She cannot just believe her HUSBAND !

Riddhima stood up in the dark knight room .. She can't live without him .. She just can't ..

Her heart was beating too low .. , her whole body was shivering .. She left a deep sigh .. and marched out to the window ....

" Leaving without you is way hard rather than killing this body which have no energy .. " She painfully smiles ..

And let her body throw down when a voice hold her ..

" Riddhima !! " The voice was cold and intimating ..

Her breathe hitched .. Did she's showered with this grateful to get her love back .. A chance ..

" Vansh " she look back to find none other than loneliness .. " vansh " she whispered and let her tears rolled down .. She rubbed her chest vigorously taking deep breathe .. she was feeling extremely pain ... Here .. here .. the place where it's said where a heart lies ..

" Riddhima ! "

The voice again boomed out , blooming her face a with a smile ..

Without a second she ran out and screamed his name in joy , when her eyes land at the left step her love with his usual aura and smirk ..

" You missed me ?? " his question filled her eyes with bucket of tears ..

For rest it's just 2 or 3 hour from his dead .. " No he is alive " .. But 3 decades to her ...

Riddhima ran to him , when a strong arms pulled her back ..

In sudden jerk she just lost the sight of her beloved ...

" Bhabhi are you Ok !! " Angre asked in confusion when he and Ishani heard the scream of Riddhima ...

" Va.. vansh .. Angre ... Vansh .. He .. he was here ..I .. I saw "

" Bhabhi shhh !! " Angre pulled her to the bedroom while she continued whispering vansh ..

She was deeply affected with his boss disappearance .. She lost the only person who loved her after dadi , who was now already broken ..

" Angre .. Mera Vansh .. wo tha .. "

" Bhabhi have this .. " he tried diverting her and passed the glass of water .. which she threw down .. breaking it into pieces ..

" Angre .. I am saying something .. Mera vansh .. I just here a moment ago .. Let me go to him .. " she hurriedly step out of bed .. when he again pulled her ..

" Ishani ! " He voice out and eyed her something on which she nodded ..

Riddhima continued protesting and moving out when Ishani passed Angre ..

" I am sorry bhabhi ! " He injected her the sleeping dose which she needed most now ..

Locking the door behind , Angre sighed and faced Dadi , Anupriya and rest not interested people of Rai Singhania ..

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