UnTruth ? (1)

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It was a bright room , where a man dressed well in sherwani .. was silently enjoying the cold breeze near the window .. When the door open with a thud and closed too , while he stayed in the same position ..

The women dressed in a highly beautiful and heavy wedding dress barged in , worried and tensed , breathing heavily.. She was way beautiful then any one can noticed..

" Listen I want to talk .. Kabir ??? " The women addressed him .. but he stayed still and just hummed ..

" Plz break this wedding !! I beg you .. plz .. See I don't love but I can't break their heart .. I really respect my parents .. Plz once you saved my dad .. now me .. I can't ever love you .. I don't deserve your pure heart plz .... " She fell on her knew , joining his hand ..

" Riddhima Kahan kho Gayi beta ??" Anupriya her mom Shook her .. breaking her trance ..

Riddhima blink her eyes , controlling the tears .. She look the surrounding .. She was neither in her room nor his .. But in the hall filled with hundreds of people , and sited on the pavilion beside Kabir the man , HER HUSBAND , whom she beg to back off from this wedding ..

She's just a nineteen years old .. Riddhima Shah the only daughter of Rudra Shah A Billionaire ..

She was most pampered and so naive and shy .. but she never argued with her parents .. She kept them above anything ..

But ....

Their only wish to marry Kabir , who saved him and brought back from the death bed was the most difficult task .. coz she love someone else .. Vansh the with whom she wanted to spend her whole life ...

" Kabir beta , now atleast apna sehra to utaro !! " She chuckles at him ..

Riddhima didn't tried looking at him .. either preferred silently watching her mangalsutra .. This cruel is something which now stated She is BOND to Him FORWVER ..

She was totally lost in herself , when the word echoed in the room , scared her ..

" WHO ARE YOU ??? " Riddhima looked up to find Anupriya crying , while everyone else shocked ..

She slowly titled her head to the left , to find ... VANSH , instead of Kabir beside her ..

" Vansh !! " She gasped .. He gave her the usual smirk ..

Two snap , and all the place was covered with dozen of guards making her panic ..

Vansh pulled her up , griping her wrist and walked passing the crowd , handle by the guards hustling to protest it .. While time Rudra and Anupriya continue shouting ..

When Riddhima tried to free herself from his grip , he pressed the nerve above her collarbone making her loss conscious ..


Riddhima jerk open her eyes , holding her head .. She slowly examine the room , Which was unfamiliar to her .. Even she was dressed in a comfortable gown rather than that heavy lehenga which suffocate her .. She shift herself back , and rest her head , closing her eyes ..

She remember how , she met him and fell for the every next second ..

She loved him from last 4 months .. but now hate .. Hate to the core .. The more she remember the day she met him ...

It was above 4 in noon When her college gave a off of rest day , Though she owns numbers of car .. but walking on the street is the most favorable thing , she do ..

Before leading to her Mansion , she decided to have a small walk , when dreaming she collied with a man ..

She quickly muttered a sorry and tried to leave , when they pull her .. and try to get close ..

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