UnTruth ? (2)

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" Vansh just leave me ... Your this act is getting on my nerves .. I hate you .. " She pointed her finger , pushing him away ..

" I hate you too Riddhima , My life's happiest news was concealed from me , isn't he my baby too .. Why ??? " He shouted making her fling ..

" No .. " she answered with a cold eyes " Kyunki , The man who's father of my baby is Vansh not VANSH RAI SINGHANIA .. Because the man whom I loved .. the man whom I promise to spend my whole life , the man whom I submitted myself was a mere bank manager not a MAFIA .. ( teary eyes ) Not a mafia who used me for his purpose " she hugged her knees and sobbed ..

Two weeks back , when she got know about her pregnancy She knew vansh would never back off from his responsibilities .. and so Without any blink .. Riddhima left for the flat where she spend their best moment and one of them creating this beautiful creature which is not a list but ture love  .. To share their biggest news ..

But inreturn she received the most heart broken thing ..

Riddhima always had a spare key with her .. When she was about to enter .. She heard some conversation ..

" Boss , As you asked .. We are slowly overtaking Rudra Shah every single deal .. Soon he will destroyed .. " Angre smirked ..

" Good Angre atlast .. After freaking five years , I am going to achieve he's destruction .. "

" Boss , can I ask you a question .. Are you using his daughter ?? I mean Riddhima ?? " Angre queried , making his eyes darken ..

" I .. I just left the place .. I ... could not hear .. that .. that you was using me .. " she sobbed more ..

Loving a guy and when you learn the true of begin it fake is like stabbing vigorously or more than that ..

And when it's come to Riddhima , Vansh just gave her all the beautiful meaning of life , which she was far away ..

" Riddhima this is your problem .. Tum sirf Aadhi adhuri baat sunti hai .. And create your own script ... " He gently cupped her face .. " Riddhima though I was here to venge against your dad .. But Believe me .. I always loved you Whole heartedly and even I do .. I don't even know your relations with that bastard .. You know just because of him .. I have join this mafia world "

His every word smooth her heart .. She was glad to be proven wrong .. This was her best option of choosing him as her life partner .. But his next sentence enraged him ..

He was calling out her papa A Bastard ... The man who never let a scratch on her .. the man who is her superhero ..

" Vansh !! , He's my dad with golden heart .. he never step back for helping anyone , I think there has been some misconcept with you .. " he chuckles ..

He slowly laid down resting his head in her lap " Riddhima Sometimes life is not the way we think .. I was just a 10 year old boy when I lost my only family 'dad' due to cancer ... I literally beg infront of your dad .. But he cruelly threw me out abusing him as a trash or money minder .. and then atlast I was left alone , My dad died .. I was wandering in the streets starving for food from days When a Mafia gave me the shelter ... " He looked to find her eyes teary ..

It's not he intended to be a mafia .. Those circumstances forced him .. While she wronged him .. Wish she can erase those memories .. How can she judge him , without his part of the story ..

Vansh stir and encircled her waist and kissed her belly .. " From then I was forced to be a man not a kid .. but I promise my baby .. He will always be good .. not like me .. " he caresses her belly , planting bundle of kisses ..

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