Chapter Four: Secrets

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Sam sat up in bed, the dim lamp on the nightstand illuminating his bare chest. He grabbed his cigarettes from the table and his lighter. I sat up, propping myself up on my arms, and looked over at him. He stuck a cigarette between his lips and raised the lighter to it. Before he got the chance to light it, I pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. He gave me a funny look. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Why can't you do that out on the balcony?" I huffed, holding the cigarette away from him. He rolled his eyes playfully before getting out of bed. He reached down and grabbed his boxers off the floor, pulling them back on. Sam tossed me my clothes, nodding towards the balcony. I got up and quickly got dressed, joining him. We leaned against the railing outside, overlooking the city. I turned to him, putting the cigarette back between his lips so he could light it. Sam put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I let out a soft laugh. 

"What's so funny?" He questioned. 

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Sully warned me about you. Told me to stay away from you. Yet here we are." I admitted. Sam nodded slowly as if he totally understand Sully's words. "...and I also told him there was no chance I'd do anything with you." I added, getting a laugh out of Sam. 

"Well good to know you're a girl of your word." He teased, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Although I am glad you aren't."

I took in the city view, making sure to enjoy every second. Not to mention the weather; absolutely beautiful. "Scotland is going to be a frozen hell." I groaned. I wasn't a fan of snow, or the cold. I tend to stick to warmer places.

"Well the weather is supposed to be nice this time of year." He countered, smiling down at me. "It'll be a nice change of scenery." 

"I'm sure any scenery is nicer than a concrete wall to you." I joked back.

Sam put out his cigarette and walked with me back into the room. He grabbed his clothes off the floor and began getting dressed. "I should probably sneak in before they wake up and realize I'm not there. Plus you should really rest." He told me as he zipped his pants. I nodded and plopped back down on the bed. "Also...we're both in agreement that this is our little secret, right?" He added. 

I chuckled and gave him a nod. "Do you think I want them knowing you were in my bed?" 

"Fair point." Sam mumbled, walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss. "See you in the morning Mara." With that, Sam strutted out of the room.

I let out a big sigh and climbed into bed. I turned off the light and looked out at the night sky through the French doors. I contemplated what had just occurred over these last couple hours. I shouldn't have let Sam in, or kissed him, or.... slept with him. I turned to lay on my stomach, shoving my face into the pillow; trying to forget about all of it just so I could sleep. 

The next morning I was absolutely exhausted. I had to get up early to  meet the guys in the lobby. I took a deep breath as the elevator doors opened. Sully and Nate were standing next to a couch, with Sam slumped on it. I walked over and Nate gave me a smile. Sully mumbled a "good morning" as I stood next to him. Sam looked up, standing quickly after seeing me. He tried to conceal his smile, as did I. 

"I say let's grab some coffee and hit the road - or - air." Sam choked out. He gave out a small cough after his words as Nathan gave him a weird look. 

"Yeah, coffee sounds great." I chimed in. Sam and I exchanged glances before I turned away from him. We grabbed some drinks before getting in a taxi to get back to Sully's plane. Sam and I sat next to each other on the way to the plane. The air felt thick, like there wasn't enough oxygen. My leg began bouncing slightly as my nerves grew. I'm convinced Sully knows something happened, I just don't know for sure.

 I felt warmth on my knee and I looked to see Sam's hand resting on it. He gave my knee a quick squeeze, and leaned down to my ear to ask, "You okay?" I gave him a quick nod in response. He pat my leg softly before pulling his hand back to himself. 

We pulled up to the plane and I got out of the car before anyone else. I began walking towards the plane, fast enough so that Sully couldn't catch up to me. I waited impatiently by the plane as the others made their way over. I took a deep breath as the air still felt sucked out of me. They finally caught up and Sully opened the door. We all piled in, with Nathan sitting between Sam and I. Nathan began going over the plan for once we got to Scotland. Shoreline is going to be spread out all over around the cathedral. 

Soon enough we landed in Scotland. The boys were the first ones off the plane, with me following. I was about to leave when Sully caught my attention. I walked over to him and sat beside him. "I know Sam was with you last night, where else would he have been that late?" Sully sighed before continuing, "I just want you to be careful. There's a lot at stake here." I nodded slowly. 

"I'm okay Sully, I promise." I assured him. He threw his hands up in surrender and we exchanged goodbyes before I left the plane. 

I walked up to Nathan and Sam as we headed towards the graveyard. It'll be a long trek there. The weather is also colder than I imagined. I thought layering would help, but I was wrong. As long as I don't end up in water I think I'll be fine. 

It didn't take long to run into shoreliners. We took them out quick enough, getting out of there before more showed up. Soon enough we arrived at the graveyard. Nathan began looking at gravestones as I walked towards the cliff overlooking the ocean. I noticed a huge gravestone with the years 1659-1699 on it. The name Benjamin Bridgeman sat engraved above a skull and crossbones. I smiled, realizing what I found. "Hey guys! I found something!"

The boys ran over and laughed in excitement at the headstone. Nate leaned over, examining the stone. "There's something odd about the skull though, like it doesn't belong." He stated. 

"What's odd about it is that it's not Avery's sigil. The skull should be facing-" Sam was cut off by Nathan and I exclaiming "Sideways!" in sync. Sam chuckled and Nate turned the skull. It locked into place and there was a loud noise from behind the stone. Stairs began falling into place, leading underground. 

Nate laughed as Sam was in disbelief. My eyes widen, I couldn't believe what I saw. Sam and I looked at each other, and I could see the amazement in his eyes. "You ready for this?" I asked him. He smirked, "I've been ready for a long time." 

We walked down the stairs and into the cave. It wasn't just a cave, it's a catacomb. Remains were everywhere, along with caskets. We walked through a doorway and there were large statues of Jesus, Dismas, and Gestas. We walked around the wall where they hung to see huge doors. Nathan noticed what looks like a lamp behind us, asking for Sam's lighter. He lit the lamps and the lights cast on the doors, revealing a puzzle. Nathan went around the wall again, aligning the lights with the marks on the doors. A knob appeared and Nathan came back to open the door. 

The doors opened revealing a beautiful and intricate window. "Nice view, but no cross." Sam sighed. 

I walked closer to the window. There was a piece of glass, etched to connect 3 gravestones and a cave. "Hey look at this." I said, calling it to their attention. 

"I think Avery's telling us where to go next." Nathan pointed out before walking away from the window. Sam followed him as I stood in front of the window still. I took in the view, and the architecture of the window. Man I wish I had a camera to capture this. I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to see Sam. He shot me a weak smile and I looked at him confused. 

"You aren't having regrets, are you?" He asked, rubbing his thumb on my arm. I shook my head no, moving away from the window. 

"Not at all. Let's go get this treasure." I mumbled. Sam tightened his grip on me just enough for me to stop moving. 

"You're not having any regrets... about last night? About us?" He pressed. I moved my free hand up to his cheek for reassurance. 

"I'm not, Sam. I just... don't want to complicate things." I hoped that answer was sufficient. He dropped his grip from my arm before stressfully running his hand through his hair. Nate called for us and I realized he'd probably been waiting for us. 

"Yeah. Let's go get this treasure." Sam mocked before taking off for his brother. 

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