Chapter Twelve: Flooded

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We all trudged along through the thick jungle. The sun beat down from the openings of the trees. I could feel my skin reddening as time passed on. Sam fell silent next to me, and Rafe hadn't looked my way since our scuffle. My arms were covered in scrapes and gashes from hitting the rough floor. Rafe and Nadine stopped to talk to some mercenaries. Sam and I were once again sat down out of the way. Sam gently rest his hand on my thigh but, as mad as I am, I didn't move it. "Are you okay? You're looking a little rough."

"Such a way with words." I snorted. He wasn't amused at all, pulling his hand from me.

"I'm gonna get you out of here. I don't know how, but I will." He whispered.

"If anything you need to get out. Rafe won't kill me, but he's dying to off you." I sighed. Sam scooted closer to me.

"I got us into this mess, so I deserve whatever I get. You don't." He huffed beside me. I was about to rebuttal when Rafe raised his voice.

"What the hell do you mean he took out an entire camp? How could you mess up that bad?" He yelled. We both perked up at Rafe's words.

"Nathan." Sam and I whispered to each other in sync.

"Just get rid of him, by any means necessary." Rafe ordered. He motioned towards us and we began walking again.

"You Drake's are immortal, aren't you?" I chuckled quietly. I saw Sam's eyes glimmer at my playful tone.

"We have a thing for coming back from the dead." He joked. A smile tugged at my lips but I fought it. I looked over at the environment around us. The mountains broke through a light fog at the peaks. The waterfall crashed into the river below as the sun sparkled on the surface. Sam nudged me lightly and I looked forward. My eyes widened as poles were grounded with cages hanging. The cages housed corpses -well- skeletons. "Welcome to New Devon." He mumbled beside me.

"Well the décor isn't exactly inviting." I said taking in the sights around me. Sam chuckled lowly at my response. "They killed them all..." I sighed, trying to avoid stepping on any remains. One of the mercenaries tossed a grappling ladder up the wall separating us from New Devon. I went first, follow by Nadine and then Sam and Rafe. The damn broke, with the small village of mansions being completely flooded. 

"No way in hell am I swimming through that. We'll take the long way, go around the side. There's an edge." Rafe instructed. He put his arm around my shoulder and guided me to the edge. I didn't protest his touch this time. I wouldn't want him throwing me in the murky water below us. I could hear Sam let out a soft groan as Rafe and I walked ahead of everyone. 

"What is with your obsession with me?" I scoffed. He huffed lowly besides me, giving my shoulder a squeeze. 

"Since when did you hate me so much? I mean we've had a couple run ins that you didn't seem to mind so much." He retorted. My stomach turned thinking about the brief nights we spent together not too long after our end at the cathedral. "Plus, I really would love nothing more than to make Samuel over there completely miserable. I can feel the daggers he's staring into the back of my skull." 

I glanced back at Sam and sure enough he was staring at Rafe. "So you're using me to piss off Sam?" 

"Of course I am. Seems like he cares for you almost as much as he does this treasure. As long as you ignore how he lied about the entire situation." Rafe said adding salt to the wound. He took his arm off me but kept the space between us tight. "I'm sorry for that, my anger got the best of me." He spoke quietly, grazing his finger down a scrape on my arm. I moved slightly from him and kept my mouth shut. Nadine walked up from behind me, taking Rafe's side as I moved back to walk with Sam. 

"I hate him." Sam whispered beside me. I smiled slightly and poked his wrist. I glanced up to see him smirking at my small gesture. We walked up to the main building at the end of the row of flooded houses. Rafe turned and pushed Sam towards the door. They threw some words back and forth before we walked into the building. It's completely lavish. Full of marble and columns, a beautiful staircase. Shoreline barricaded the door behind us and we pushed forward. We walked into a room that must be Avery's office. As we approached a globe, we heard gunshots ringing out from behind us. "Nathan." Sam breathed out. 

"Let's hurry this up. Samuel, be a dear and find the door." Nadine demanded. She shot me a look and I redirected my eyes to Sam. He waltzed over to a globe in the open area of the room. He touched a spot on the globe and the floor opened up. Stairs opened up and Rafe excitedly ran down them. I walked next to Sam and he purposely slipped his lighter out of his pocket. 

"Clever." I chuckled next to him. He shot me a smile as we began down the stairs. 

"Well I guess we just descend into hell now." He mumbled. 

"Let's hope we make it out alive." I replied, trying to keep my tone light. I wasn't so sure that would be the outcome. 

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