Chapter Ten: Paradise

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The sun cut through the trees, waking me up. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and began to sit up before realizing an arm was slumped across me. I looked up to see Sam completely asleep. The only time he looks at peace is when he's asleep. I gently ran my fingers through his hair and he shifted. 

"Sam... Sam wake up." I whispered, moving my hand down to his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned. 

"Well good morning beautiful." He smirked. I smiled and leaned into him, gently kissing his lips. He pulled his arm from me to stretch and I sat up.

"We should get moving. Especially before Shoreline finds us." I commented. Sam nodded and rest his hand on my hip. 

"We could probably sit here for just a moment. Just us." He mumbled, rubbing circles into me with his thumb. 

"You know, you're a lot clingier than I thought you'd be." I chuckled. Sam got flustered but tried to play it off. 

"I- I'm not clingy. I just... I like spending time with you." He defended. I laughed again as I rest my fingers along the birds on his neck. He sighed before bringing his hand from my hip to my hand resting on his neck. He planted a kiss on my hand and looked up at me. "Alright, let's get going." 

Sam stood up and leaned over to help me up. We got up and started through the jungle. An explosion rang off in the distance. "Do they ever stop blowing shit up?" I groaned. 

"It's amazing they haven't completely blown themselves up." Sam chuckled beside me. 

We kept climbing. The sun began moving around as the morning moved on. Most of the way was completely soaked in sun now. We came across an abandoned Shoreline base, with crates everywhere. I walked up to a gray one and opened the top. "Hell yes." I mumbled. Inside were canteens full of water and some protein bars. Sam followed behind me and laughed with joy once he saw what was inside. I grabbed a canteen and threw it on. Sam handed me a bar and put one in his pocket, I'm assuming for Nathan. 

Sam and I moved forward. We finished our bars and climbed up another cliff. Sam went first and helped pull me up. I stood up and dusting on my clothes real quick. Sam snuck in a slap on my ass and I shot him a look. "What? I'm just helping." He smirked. 

"You could be a lot classier ya know." I retorted. He laughed lightly as we continued on once more. 

"I don't think you exactly fell for my class." He shot back. 

"You did look good in that tux..." I reminisced. Sam snuck his arm around my waist and pulled me close as we walked. 

"Not to mention what you looked like in that dress. When this is all said and done, I'm gonna need to see you in it again." He growled into my ear. 

"Well I guess you'll have to take me out to dinner once you're rich with Avery's treasure." 

"Deal." He stated before planting a kiss on top of my head. 

We turned a corner and heard rustling coming from the cliffside. Sam took out his gun and pushed in front of me. Hands came up to climb and I noticed the wedding band donning one. "It's Nate." I breathed out in relief. I ran over and grabbed his arm, pulling him up. 

"Mara, Sam. I'm glad you're okay." Nate sighed. 

"I nearly shot your head off." Sam said putting his gun back in the holster. Nathan sat down to catch his breath. "Now c'mon, we got a treasure to find." Sam said eagerly. 

"Hold up... what are we doing? Our supplies are at the bottom of the ocean." Nathan stated. I immediately felt the air tense up as I took a step back from the brothers. 

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