Chapter Seven: Setup

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Sam's driving is so much worse than Nathan's. Now I'm regretting letting him split us all up. 

"When was the last time you drove?" I asked, the panic clear in my voice. Sam chuckled and made a shaking motion with his hand.

"Not that long ago. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. You can drive on the way back if it'll make you happy." He stated before pulling back out onto the road, cutting off another driver. 

"Samuel!" I exclaimed, waving a sorry briefly to the man he cut off. 

"Woah using my full name now?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and he gave my thigh a playful slap before cruising off to the tower. 

"You're so annoying sometimes, you know that?" I scoffed at him. 

"I could ask you the same thing." He countered with a smile. I lightly punched his arm and we continued on our way. 

Sam came to a dead stop outside the tower. I jolted in my seat a bit and he laughed before hopping out. He walked to my side of the car and held out his hand to help me out. I took his hand and climbed out of the car. Sam walked up to the front door and gave it a pull, with it not budging. I walked around the side and noticed a broken window. "Sam! This way." I instructed before climbing the side to the window. Sam followed me in as I jumped to the floor below. "Well it's beautiful, but I don't see shit here." I mumbled walking around. 

"Yeah, we might've picked the wrong tower." Sam agreed, messing with a statue against the wall. 

"Oh we picked the wrong tower?" I questioned. Sam chuckled as he walked over to me. 

"Yes, we picked the wrong tower because I know you'll follow wherever I go." 

"You'll do the same for me." I pointed out, a smile tugging at my lips. 

"Oh trust me, I know." Is all Sam said before leaning down and kissing me. We pulled away and he looked around, setting his hands on my waist. "You know, we might have a few spare minutes if you'd like to-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. 

"Not happening." I said shaking my head. I pulled my hand from hand from his mouth and rest it on his chest. 

"Well can't say I didn't try." He shrugged with a coy smile across his lips. "I'll call the guys, let 'em know we got nothing." He added before pulling away from me and dialing Sully. I walked around the lobby that we were in. The inside of the tower was decorated with marble, perfectly preserved as if it was build yesterday. "Are you serious? We're on our way." Sam spoke into the phone before hanging up. 

"What happened?" I asked, walking over to where Sam stood. 

"They have the right tower, we gotta get over there." He told me. I nodded and we walked over to the front door of the tower. We lifted a large slab of wood holding the door shut and slowly creeped our way out. Sam approached the driver's side of the car, but before he could get near the door I grabbed his arm. 

"You take shotgun, I'm driving." I instructed before pushing past him to the wheel. Sam began a remark back when I turned and put a finger to his lips. "You said I could drive if it'll make me happy, and it will. So hush." Is all I said before climbing into the driver's seat. Sam huffed and walked around the car, getting into the seat besides me. Sam's phone vibrated and he pulled it out to check the notification. Nathan texted him a picture of pirate sigils. "I'm assuming you know who those belong to?" I asked him. 

"Of course I do." Sam smirked. "Let me call him." 

I waited until Sam hung up the phone before I began driving. "Nathan found another test of some sort. We better hurry before he finds the treasure without us." Sam told me, obviously getting antsy. 

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