Chapter Eleven: Betrayal

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Sam caught up to me, with Nathan not too far behind. Shoreline kept pummeling the building, hoping we'd go with it. "Something tells me they've had enough of us!" Sam called out. 

"Not the time Sam!" I remarked back. It got a quick laugh out of him before another explosion rang out. Nathan fell to the main floor with Sam and I. The worst explosion yet hit the building, causing it to split. We flew forward, surviving only by our grappling hooks We climbed into the remaining portion of the building and dodged bullets as we crossed into another section. Shoreline threw a grenade and the explosion sent us flying, with Nathan falling down the side. He began climbing up as Sam and I pushed forward. We took down the couple guys in that room and took their guns before moving forward. 

Sam stayed in front of me as we pushed forward. We heard a scuffle and saw Nadine kicking Nathan's ass. "You've got to be kidding." I chuckled. Sam jumped down and I followed. I have nothing on Nadine. She's gotta be the toughest person I've ever met. Her and I locked eyes and she smirked. 

Nathan threw the first punch and she dodged. She started on Sam. I tried to intervene but she threw me to the ground. Nathan tackled her and he went out the window. I tried her again, but she kneed me in the ribs and threw me back down. I tried to catch my breath but it felt like I couldn't get any air. That's when Sam locked with her. Next thing I knew Nathan came crashing from the ceiling. We all went through the floor with the old wood giving away. We landed on a stone cliff before. Nadine's gun landed near the edge and Nathan moved towards it. Nadine kicked him out of the way, and as she did Sam slid and grabbed the gun before aiming it at her. 

"You're fast, but not that fast." Sam gloated. We heard footsteps running from behind us and we quickly got to our feet. Sam grabbed Nadine and pressed the gun to her head. That's when Rafe and two mercenaries ran around the corner to us. Rafe and I locked eyes before I moved my focus back to Sam. 

"Sam let her go!" I pleaded. 

"This is interesting. Nathan, Samuel... Mara." Rafe seemed to drag my name as he spoke. I swallowed hard and looked back at him. He gave me a smirk and my stomach turned. 

"Put your guns down!" Sam yelled, pushing the gun further into Nadine. Rafe denied and Nadine pleaded with him as Nate and I pleaded with Sam. 

"Don't worry these guys don't kill anyone in cold blood; not their style." Rafe amused. 

"You willing to bet her life on that?" Sam seethed. Rafe stepped towards Sam, triggering him to pull the trigger. Luckily Nathan got the gun in the air before it could hit Nadine. Sam let her go and she staggered into me. Nadine pulled away from me and grabbed the gun before walking behind Rafe. 

"Samuel, you okay? Guess you knew this moment was coming?" Rafe sighed, dusting Sam's shoulders. The confusion had to be apparent on my face as I looked between the two of them. Rafe punched Sam and he fell to the ground. I yelped and leaned down, checking Sam over. He sat up a bit as I rested my hand on his back. 

"C'mon you're a businessman. Let's just work out a deal." Nathan said to Rafe. 

"Oh a deal? Love to hear what you have in mind." He replied before connecting his boot with Sam's face. Sam fell back to the ground as blood came out of his nose. 

"Can you stop being such a dick for two minutes?" I spat at Rafe. Amusement played in his eyes at my comments. 

"Let's hear it." He told Nate. I helped Sam up as Nathan started. 

"We'll help you find the treasure. In exchange you let us live... and we get a small cut." Nate proposed. Rafe laughed before Nathan continued. "Just enough to get him his freedom." 

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