Chapter Fourteen: Treasure

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I just walked back into the cathedral. Nathan wished me goodbye before leaving for the states again. I closed the door behind me and let out a deep sigh, knowing Rafe was already losing it. I heard something crash to the floor and I made my way to the room he resided in. The door was cracked open, and I could see papers scattered on the floor. I walked inside and started picking up the papers. I looked up to see Rafe pacing against the wall, his hands resting on the back of his head. I could practically hear his breathing from across the room. 

"You don't have to pick that up." He mumbled, but still with an assertive tone. 

"Well I don't want everything a mess and destroyed." I snapped. I didn't mean to let my anger out, but Rafe was overreacting with this whole situation. I had only been here a couple months, but we've made no progress. Rafe walked over and helped me pick up the remaining papers. We stood up and I organized the papers on the table. He leaned against the table next to me, staring at the hardwood top with a look of concentration. 

"I can't believe he left. After everything I've done, after everything I put on the line, he left." Rafe groaned as he slammed his fist on the table. 

"He's done the same. Hell, Rafe, he lost his brother trying to find this treasure." I sighed. He stood up straight and laughed lowly. 

"Oh what? You're on his side now?" He pressed. I looked up at him, totally at a lost for what could be going through his head. 

"What the hell are you talking about Rafe? Nathan's my friend, and I don't blame him for wanting to leave this place. We're getting nowhere." I countered. Rafe laughed lowly again. That laugh isn't good. The sinister tone of it sent chills down my spine. 

"You been fucking him haven't you?" He asked bluntly. I looked to see if he was joking, but he was dead serious. I let out a laugh in disbelief. 

"Are you out of your mind? Because I'm not mad at him, I must be fucking him right? God you're delusional." I scoffed. He opened his mouth to speak, but I put my finger up to his lips before he could. "You know what? I'm done. I am sick of this cathedral and I am sick of this god damn, nonexistent treasure." 

I saw his eyes widen and darken as the words left my mouth. His jaw tensed and he seemed at a loss for words. "You can't leave..." Is all he could manage to get out. 

"I love you, Rafe. I really do, but I can't do this anymore. It's been months and we've gotten nowhere." I sat on the table, completely defeated. "This treasure's gonna be the death of you, and I don't wanna be around for that." I could feel my eyes tearing up and I dabbed them with my sleeve. Rafe stood in front of me, lifting my chin so I was facing him. He leaned down and I met him halfway until our lips met. I rest my hand on his cheek as he rest his on the back of my neck. After what felt like forever, I pulled away slowly. 

"I love you too, Mara." He told me as he leaned away. "You should hurry up if you wanna catch a plane today." My heart shattered. I know this is probably for the best, but I hoped he wouldn't have just given me up like this. 

I stood up, the space extremely tight between us. "Don't get yourself killed over this shit." I whispered between us. With that, I walked out of the room. Never looking back to that cathedral. 

Flashback Ends

Elena and Sully stayed behind as Nathan and I set out for Sam. The mountain seemed farther away, almost impossible to reach now. Nathan helped pull me up and we took in the view for a moment. We looked at each other, and we both look exhausted. "Once we get him back, I'm kicking his ass." I breathed out with a soft chuckle. 

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