Seven - Lacking Parental Guidence

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Sure, there is a slight possibility that I may have downplayed just how petrified I am to meet Oliver's family.

I've never been quite so pleased to hear that someone is bedridden ill, but just from the brief warning from Oliver, and the stories from Elijah of their previous hatred for one another, Oliver's youngest sister - Charlotte - terrifies me.

Her boyfriend Elijah is nice. Friendly and chatty, with big ambitions. I listen to him talk in awe, comforted by his casual character. I listen too, admiring yet envious, of the relationship he holds with Charlotte. His voice drips with adoration, his eyes alight when he talks of her, his features softened with love. He cherishes her, and it's clear.

It saddens me, however. Not because I'm not happy for them, but because there was once a time I had that too. Someone who made me feel alive, happy, and spoke to me, and of me, with such expression of love. He was a good, kind man, and though we're no longer together, I will never strip him of that title. There are days when my heart still aches for him. Sometimes, there are days where I might not think of him for even a second. Yet, I'll always miss what we had.

I suppose the past is not worth dwelling over. My life is different now. I'm older, career driven, and betrothed - albeit to a man that isn't much more than an acquaintance. Still, is it such a bad thing, to miss what is lost?

Oliver must notice the change in my mood, because he watches as I drive with a narrowed glare. "You alright?"

"Hm? Oh - yeah, I'm fine." I can tell he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't press the matter. "Was Charlotte okay? I was anxious to meet her."

He shrugs. "Sick, but alright. Not pregnant, thankfully." I cast him a chaste glance, my brows furrowed quizzically. I opt against asking him to divulge further detail. "Don't think you've gotten away easy though, she'll definitely want to meet you soon." I pick at the skin of my bottom lip with my teeth, slightly nervous at such a promise.

"So, your parents now?" I ask him. He nods, offering me the directions as required. It doesn't take us very long - Elijah has relocated only ten minutes from Oliver's home, Charlotte moving in tow. Much like before, I trail Oliver, twice as anxious when he simply allows himself in.

I pause, jittery. He looks back, nodding his head to gesture me inside. "Come on." He encourages, and slowly, I cross the threshold. "Word of warning - Ezra drools."

I lift my attention hopefully. "Is that your dog?"

Oliver barrels into laughter, clutching at his abdomen as he dramatically rids of a non existent tear beneath his eye. "Oh, that's brilliant." He falls into a soft chuckle just as a man makes himself known, popping his head around the corner of the living room.

"Thought I could hear you." He says, lips quirking as he acknowledges Oliver. His eyes flicker to me. "Introducing the missus?" I burn scarlet.

"Hallie, Benjamin. Ben, Hallie." I manage a coy wave, though he stands, striding towards me with a wide grin.

"His brother. Pleasure." He extends a hand which I take gently, engaging in his firm handshake.

I manage a terse smile. "Likewise."

"Come in then. Do you need everyone in the living room?" Speechless, I toss a look towards Oliver. "I really doubt the both of you would be here if you didn't have something to share." Oliver doesn't speak. He, much to my shock, only takes my hand and leads me into the living room.

I try to breathe, startled by the unexpected softness that comes from his hold. His hand is warm, and gentle, quite the juxtaposition to his character. He doesn't seem all too fazed; there isn't a falter in his character, but I feel strangely hot - embarrassed, yet flattered. Perhaps even relaxed in the comfort of his touch.

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