Twenty Two - Sympathetic Sibling

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My face ends up in the tabloids again - this time, alone, and not beside Hallie. Sat on the train, surrounded by bags with my head hanging in my hands. The same conclusion will be drawn by anyone who sees this, even without the help of the blaring headline which reads 'Secrets out: Evans and Osborne on the Rocks'. Tasteless, but more than true.

We're not just on the rocks - we've fallen into the deep end. Sinking.

Zach watches as I read the article slowly and meticulously, searching for a comment from either Hallie or someone associated to her. There comes an anonymous source, and simply from the tone of the quote, it's clear enough that it's Hallie's mother who speaks, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was Hallie's mother that actually released the pictures to the press. She states: 'Oliver and Hallie moved too quickly, too hastily, into this marriage, and the overwhelming pressure of their polar lifestyles has left them unsure of the sanctity of such. The likelihood of it's fixture looks unpromising, and so we can only hope that when they part, they will remain friends'.

"Hey," my eyes flicker to Zach who seems cautious of my mood. It's obvious I harbour one, considering the grating of my teeth can be heard above the low hum from the television. "It's bullshit, alright? Don't pay attention to what they're saying."

"But it's not bullshit, is it?" I retort sharply. "It was all fake, and we've made a right mess of the whole thing." He sighs, perhaps unsure of what to say next as he runs a hand down his face. The buzzer of the intercom saves him the trouble of having to respond, and he stands silently, leaving me in the living room.

I've spent the past four days sleeping on Zach's couch, and while he says nothing, I can tell he is already tired of playing host, for no reason other than my broken heart is tarnishing the usual upbeat aura of this flat. Perhaps he's expected me to return to my normal self after a few days out of contact with Hallie - I certainly had, which is why I haven't responded to the number of messages of missed phone calls from her - but alas, I still ache. I miss her, but still don't want to see her. I'm so angry with her, but in love with her all the same. It is a complicated string of emotions to deal with, and has left me facing a throbbing headache nearly every day. Although, I expect the progressively worsening four day hangover plays a factor in such, considering I haven't stopped drinking since my arrival.

"Oliver I tried to-" Zach calls out in a panicked tone. I narrow my eyes in the direction of the entrance way, concerned when I hear the huff of Zach amidst the clatter of furniture, then the heavy stomps of angry footsteps.

"Did mum drop you on your head as a child?" Char barrels into the room with purpose, arms folded across her torso. If it weren't for the rather frightening scowl that plagues her expression, I would probably find her the most unthreatening I every have in my life. Clearly, she has just woken, grabbed the first set of clothes possible - her boyfriend's, evidently, considering they swamp her - and piled her hair into a nest on the top of her head before getting in her car and driving here.

"Did you hit Zach?" I ask her cautiously. She casts a glance of acknowledgement in the direction from which she just came.

"I nudged him," she corrects, though when Zach enters with an arm curled across his abdomen, I choose not to believe such. "Now, answer my question."

I shrug nonchalantly. "She might have. I haven't asked." I gasp slightly at the shock that comes from the thud of a cushion being smacked with vehemence across my face. There is a call of protest from Zach at his furniture being wielded as a weapon, but that doesn't stop Char from doing it a second time.

"We see you in the paper before you tell us you left her?" She cries out as she rounds the sofa to stand before me. I can't help but flinch. She truly is terrifying. Her attention turns to Zach as with her tone softened slightly, she asks, "would you mind? I need to talk to him alone."

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