Twenty Five - I Now Pronounce You Divorced

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A/N - holy shit I've been so exhausted this week. I forgot how hard a uni degree is. I can't wait to establish routine and find the time to write again! This chapter is a bit of a filler, but I need it to move the story along. Thank you so much for your patience with me! Love you all <3


"You sure you're ready?" He asks me with a gentle squeeze on the hand which is enclosed in his. I only nod, because the acidic bite that sits on my chest threatens to make an appearance should I open my mouth.

I'm not entirely sure why I am nervous. I've met Oliver's family before - albeit, the circumstances slightly different. The first time, I had phlegmatically explained that Oliver would be aiding the ruse I planned to sell to my family and the media. Now, he plans to introduce me as the girl he is seeing, the same girl that had planned to use him for her own benefit and now hopes naively for welcoming acceptance into the family. The same girl that will also admit to them that she, and Oliver, would like a divorce.

My hands so quickly turn clammy, depicting my anxiety about the situation. "It'll be fine." Oliver assures as if he can sense the change in my mood. I want to believe him - truly I do - but his family is particularly terrifying. I've been so used to professional relationships, even with my own parents and sister, that the openness and closeness of these is rather overwhelming. And I am, and forever will be, an outsider.

Like the first time, he simply lets himself inside, leading me with a gentle yet firm hold on my hand. As I pass the threshold, I hold my breath, as if anticipating my downfall. It doesn't come - not immediately, at least. The pair of us funnel straight into the living room, passing with ignorance the clattering that occurs in the kitchen as Mrs Osborne no doubt busies over dinner. It's about as busy as I'd expected, what with Oliver's family being as large as it is. Charlotte is slung across Elijah's knee, asleep, while he fires the pair of us a warm and genuine smile. I notice then, wedged between the pair of them, a small body. A little girl, who like Charlotte, sleeps also, with a pulsing dummy between her lips which twitches in synchrony with her dreams.

"Hi Elijah." I say quietly.

"I'd give you a hug, but, I've got my hands full." He gestures loosely to his lap, his hand strumming the stray strands of hair from Charlotte's face. I nod in acknowledgement, attention stolen by the slight tug on my hand.

"Sweetheart," I lift my sights to Oliver, beside whom stands a woman about my height with light hair and tired eyes. "This is Ferne, my sister." I extend my hand for her to shake, though it goes ignored and she simply pulls me into a chaste embrace.

"Nice to finally meet you." She tells me as she pulls away. Her eyes wash over me, although not at all judgementally.

"Can you move out of the way of the TV?" Over my shoulder, Ben raises his arms in gesticulation, clearly exasperated. He nods in my direction. "Nice to see you again Hallie."

It is Ferne who takes a hold of me and pulls me aside, perching herself on the free sofa. It is only now with her sat that I notice the rounding of her stomach, only obvious by the way her loose shirt fails to disguise it any longer. I refrain from mentioning such - I am sure there is no worse insult should she not be carrying a child - but when a soothing hand palms her bump, I throw caution to the wind.

"Congratulations." I gesture to her stomach.

"Thank you." She lifts a brow curiously, then bares notice to mine and Oliver's hands which are still interlinked. "Will you be auntie Hallie then?"

I flush red, purely embarrassed, and Oliver dives quickly between the exchange. "Well, I'm still uncle Wolly, and I haven't even got a cuddle from little pea yet." His hand leaves mine and he proceeds towards Elijah whose face drops with panic.

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