Bonus Chapter #2

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I give you a smutty bonus chapter for Char and Eli, so I think it's only right you get a smutty bonus chapter for Hallie and Oli too. So this is your warning that it's for mature audiences only.



The little shit has been beating me up all night. I don't know what I did to deserve this. I satisfy all of their cravings, I endure the nausea and the backache and the insane raging hormones. Yet every night, as soon as I lie down, they want to kick their little feet like their playing football with their mother.

At first, the movement was cute. Little flutters that felt like butterflies in my stomach. I cried. Oli cried. Both of us fell asleep with our hands on my stomach, enraptured by the life growing inside me.

Then they grew, and the movement was more, and Oli talked to them for hours to get them all riled up. They'd kick, and we'd gleam, and I felt like I could never get enough.

Now, I feel like I've genuinely done something to upset this little baby, because they seem keen on upsetting me.

I've given up trying to get comfortable. I'm sat up in bed, covers over my legs with my back supported by three pillows against the headboard. They kick again and I can't help but poke their little foot. "Little shit." I mutter.

Oli grumbles, rolling over and slinging his arm over my belly. "I'm not snoring." He assures me. Actually, he is, but that's not what's bothering me tonight.

"They're beating the crap out of me." I'm so tired. I don't remember the last time I got a decent nights sleep. I thought pregnancy was supposed to be this breathtaking, beautiful experience? It's been just over seven months, and I'm so over it.

Oli grunts in acknowledgment, and moves his hand to slide under my top to rub gentle loving circles over my stomach. The touch is so warm and tender, so loving, that even in the angst of sleep deprivation, I smile.

"Stop being mean to your mum." He shuffles closer to press a kiss to my arm. His eyes are still closed, preserving the sleep that I woke him from. "You know that's when she's most mean to me."

They kick again, right at his hand, and he chuckles sleepily. I love how much he loves them already. It would be a lie to say I was never nervous about how Oli would adapt to parenthood, but seeing how he is now, before the baby is even here, I know he's going to be perfect.

He already is perfect. I look down at him. His hair tousled from sleep. Naked torso on display - he's been hitting the gym recently, because he wants to be a hot dad - and he looks perfect. He's not had time to shave, so there is a light stubble along his jaw, and I'm kind of hoping he doesn't get rid of it. It makes him look good.

What people don't tell you, is that pregnancy really ups your libido. I've been like a dog in heat for the past few months, desperate to jump Oliver's bones any opportunity I get. I think I broke him at one point, and he almost begged me to not have sex with him. A first in our relationship.

It's been a while now - he's been busy, and I've been uncomfortable- but I can't sleep, and he's here, and I might as well occupy my time with something. The romance is still truly alive, of course.



"I have an itch I need to get rid of." He peels open one eye and strains to look at me.

"Where?" He offers his hand. I take it by the wrist and place it between my legs. "You know you've just put my hand on your fanny, right?"

"Mhm." He starts to move his fingers, in slow circles, a featherlight touch that is not quick enough. I shuffle myself lower in search of the firmness I need. "You need to help me."

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