Sixteen - To Flirt Or Not To Flirt

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You are cordially invited to the conjoined

engagement and marriage celebrations

in honour of

Helena and Hallie Evans

at Evans' household residence on Saturday the 21st August at 6:00pm

RSVP accordingly

I grimace at the extravagance of the invitation, and the unnecessary cause for it's arrival this morning. It seems redundant to send one here, considering Hallie is one half of the duo this celebration is in aid of, and I sincerely doubt this invitation is for either Charlotte or Elijah, considering the chaotic meal that occurred three days ago.

I can hardly imagine Helena would ever subject herself to standing within ten feet of Charlotte ever again, and I'm positive Char would make sure that Helena didn't leave a second exchange unscathed. Realistically, I can only thank Elijah for the subduing of that evening - it seems he is the water, the only thing that can douse Charlotte when she sets alight.

Charlotte, Elijah and Monty left the following day, the former apologising profusely to Hallie for her unorderly conduct, especially succeeding both mine and Hallie's explicit request to play nicely. Maybe I had too much faith in my sister - she has calmed considerably as she has grown and found happiness, but her temper still is, and always will be, volatile, and forcing her into a provoking situation and expecting her to ignore the unsubtle jibes was thoughtless of me. Naturally, Hallie said as much, in a far gentler way, and apologised on behalf of her sister's behaviour, considering I doubt very much that Helena could even comprehend the word 'sorry'.

She apologises too, to Elijah, for Helena's unadulterated flirting, her inappropriateness in all its entirely. Perhaps if Charlotte wasn't stood beside him, hand entwined with his, he might admit it was quite flattering - a response, although not vocalised, written across his features - and he assures Hallie that Charlotte can hold her own when disrespected. Hallie didn't disagree.

Neither did I - I know that Charlotte is the one that sends meals back at a restaurant when they're cold.

Monty, without the overwhelming presence of Helena thwarting our pleasant company, returned to his innate suave behaviour. He brought a blush to Hallie's face when he complimented her, her home, and hospitality, and I found myself, much like my sister, bristled by the fact he so brazenly flirted with my significant other. Although, I suppose Hallie isn't that at all, she's just my wife.

When departing, he noticed my attitude, and a rapport of accusation and denial ensued.

"You're so in love." He grinned.

"Am not." I retorted childishly.

With a sigh, I place the invitation on the side table, along with the few other letters, and go to turn, only to be startled within an inch of my life when the door opens with a harsh swing.

"Oh, sorry." Hallie grimaces as she notices me clutching a hand to my bare chest. She frowns then, baring a quick glance to her watch, and then back to me. "It's four fifteen, and you still haven't changed?"

With a roll of my eyes, I tut. "Would you like me to prance around the house in a suit and tie sweetheart?" It is easy to hear the mocking in my tone, but perhaps if I looked as half as good as Hallie in a suit, I might genuinely consider it.

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