Bonus Chapter #1

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You asked, so I listened. Besides, I've missed these guys a lot - they deserve my attention.

This chapter is going to feature both Hallie's and Oliver's POV. And it is just a little sneak peak into their life as a happy divorced couple (sorry, the jokes are just too easy to make and I will not be stopping) so it should be nothing more that cosy and sweet.

Although saying that, it is Oliver, so who even knows at this point?



"I've already said I'll be there Hel," I sigh down the phone with a small shake of my head. She's been nagging me relentlessly about RSVP-ing to her birthday party. I have done so, several times, but apparently just saying 'yes' is not good enough.

I suppose, realistically, I do say yes to a lot of things I don't mean. Like saying yes to spontaneous marriage, and saying yes at the alter when vowing my life to the man I just met two hours ago.

"And what about Oliver? Mum is going to be there too - I know he doesn't like her." The largest understatement of the century. Oli hates my mother. Frankly, so do I.

"Helena, for the last time, Oliver and I will both be at your party. We'll wear our happiest smiles, avoid mother like the plague, and leave after an hour or so." She hums, as though not entirely convinced and at that point I know I'm not getting off the phone with her any time soon.

I change the call to speaker and lay it on top of the worktop as I start to pull the clean clothes from the washing machine. When I'd called in sick to work today, I'd figured it was the perfect opportunity to get some chores done, because I'll only fidget if I'm lazing around. That's one way me and Oli are the complete opposite.

"Oliver won't want to leave when he sees who I've invited." I roll my eyes at that. "Oh, and on that subject, will you please make sure he keeps the fangirl-ing to a minimum? I don't need my friends thinking that my sister dates crazy people who ask for signatures on their arm that they can tattoo." I want to argue in Oliver's defence, but the moment I open my mouth, I snap it shut. I don't doubt that is something Oliver would do. The first time he met an actor friend of my father's, he spent the entire night slipping dialogue from his latest movie into conversation, until everyone begged him to stop.

"I'll talk to him." Is all I say. I lift my attention to the foyer, where the door opens and slams shut. "Look Hel, as much as I'm adoring this conversation, I have to go. Send me the dress code." I don't even bother with goodbyes before I hang up and rush to find Bella and Libs, both of them carrying a nondescript shopping bag each.

"You ready?" Bella asks, lifting the bag in gesture.

My mouth gapes. "How many did you get?"

Libs thrusts her bag towards me, a wide smile on her face. "We went to every chemist in the area. There's like a hundred different makes, and we didn't want to risk picking up a few faulty ones."

"That doesn't answer my question." I deadpan, peering into the bag. There's at least twenty boxes in this one alone, some of them multipacks.

"Doesn't matter - just know that we left the city centre looking like we were testing every woman in a ten mine radius." Bella rummages through her bag and pulls out a light blue box. "This one comes with a cup, so go piss girl, and we'll all get to dipping."

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