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Phil's PoV

After our Saturday meeting, I was feeling a bit better about the talent show. Dan agreed to play piano while Jamie painted and I was going to entertain the crowd.

We were meeting up Wednesday afternoon to work on our act. Not that Friday but the following would be the day of our show.

I know that I was picked because all of the 'cool' kids voted for me to see what humiliating thing I would do, but Dan and Jamie?

I can see Dan was still upset about me watching him play piano and I know it was wrong to watch him from the shadows. But, we are still trying to put that behind us.

Wednesday, I heard a knock on my door and I ran downstairs. When I pulled it open, I saw Jamie. "Hey!" I greeted her.

"Hey! Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Where are we working on this?"

"Dan's place. His basement is huge and perfect for rehearsing in!"

I smiled, my tongue sticking out the side of my mouth. I hopped into the passenger seat of the car and Jamie plopped into the driver's seat. Jamie decided to blast her iPod music and Geronimo by Sheppard came on.

"THIS IS MY JAM!" she screamed. I laughed and we danced around, singing the lyrics until we arrived at Dan's house.

His house was grey and it looked like it had two stories. The curtains were a dull gold color with green lining. The front door was a nice brown wood. I saw the shiny door handle turn and Dan open the door. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him smile.

I have to say, Dan really made me feel things I had never felt before. Even if I wasn't on his list of favorite people, looking at him made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's like butterflies flew into my stomach and we're playing calm, happy music and gracefully dancing around, their soft wings tickling my insides.

Even though Dan was smiling, he was sad. He was smiling with his mouth, not his eyes. If your lips curve up to show happiness, it doesn't mean that you are happy. Your eyes have to smile, too. You will know your eyes will smile because your heart will feel fluffy and your eyes will sparkle and grow brighter than usual.

I didn't realize that I had gotten out of the car with Jamie and walked towards the door until I heard Dan's voice. "Hey, Phil."

"Hey!" I said, snapping my eyes into reality. I saw everything, but in this dream like state. Everything seemed to glow and fuzz and other images flashed through my vision. The butterflies, smiles, eyes, sparkles, Dan...

And it happened again. We were now in Dan's room. I looked around at the full set up. His bag was on the floor and his grey bed sheets were wrinkled up. He had an old piano in the corner of his room.

That song began to play in my head again. The song that I heard on the first day of school. I couldn't help but hum the tune under my breath. Jamie looked at me.

"Oh! You like that song?" I looked at her.

"Uh, it's just kind of stuck in my head. I don't know where I've heard it and I have know idea what the title is."

"I don't know the title either, but my old friend who moved away loves it," she told me. "She sends me video collages of her with that song in the background!" I nodded.

"Alright," Dan said. "Do you want me to play that song or whatever?" We looked at him. "Well, it sounds simple enough. And it sounds happy!" he said, jumping and squealing jokingly at the word happy, pretending to be a seven year old girl. We giggled.

"Sure!" I said.

"Alright. Jamie, go figure out what the song is and I will find sheet music for it." Jamie nodded and ran out.

I looked at Dan. "So," I said. "Jamie said she had an idea for something." Dan nodded.

"I'm slightly scared to find out what because she was giggling when she called to tell me about it." Jamie came back with her phone in her hand.

"It's a brilliant idea!" she said, and I caught that giggling Dan had mentioned. "But, Chelsea did say that the song was called Icing." I nodded. "So I am going to paint a cupcake!"

"GAAHHH!" Dan groaned. "Why is everything so cutesy themed!?" Jamie giggled and I joined her. Dan rolled his eyes. "What's the fricking 'genius' idea?"

"We are The Cats," Jamie began. "So we should all draw cat whiskers on our faces!" Dan dramatically collapsed onto his bed.


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