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Dan's PoV

I flopped onto my bed, over dramatizing it. "THE CUTENESS!" I shouted. Phil and Jamie laughed and butterflies filled my stomach. The sound of that laugh made my stomach do flips. It was so echoey and full of joy.

I stood up and smiled, really smiled, at them. Jamie grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "THE CUTENESS NEVER LEAVES!" I couldn't stop laughing. I collapsed, clutching my stomach.

"I CAN'T ESCA-HA-HAAPPE!" I shouted through my chokes of laughter. Finally, I stood up. "Alright alright! Let's go work in the basement now."

Jamie and Phil nodded and walked downstairs and I went to go print the music out, but not before watching them go downstairs and listening their dying laughter. It was a faint chuckle now but it was still so alive and beautiful. I turned to the computer and found sheet music for Icing.

"Charity Vance," I muttered to myself. "Where have I heard that name?" I looked up the singer/songwriter and found a picture of her. She had long, beautiful blonde hair. Her pale skin looked extra pale in the lighting of the photo. Her cherry lips were curved into this super sugary smile. "She looks so familiar..." I said to myself as I stared into her gold eyes that were rimmed with green. I decided to shrug it off and I walked downstairs, music in hand.

I found Phil and Jamie running around with some of my old Nerf guns. They squealed with each fire and shrieked with every blow. There was so much glee in their eyes. "Alright children!" I said, grabbing their undivided attention. "Gather around and listen to the Master!"

"Oh please! Your not a Time Lord!" Jamie giggled, shooting a Nerf bullet at me. I stared at her, trying not to laugh as it ricocheted off of my fore head and back at her. Phil giggled and we all erupted into laughter. Those eyes were sparkling as we fell to the floor, happiness filling the room, illuminating everything those eyes glanced upon.


"Phil!" I shouted, giggling. "Go to where your supposed to be and stop hitting Jamie!" I pried the pillow from his grip and got the Sharpie off of the couch. "God! I swear, it's like I'm working with children!"

"Well, at least we are not actual children," Jamie pointed out, taking the Sharpie from me and pulling the cap off. "All right, who am I whisker-a-fying?"

"Me! Pick me!" Phil shouted, jumping up and down like a child, the old floor boards creaking with every jump. Jamie walked over and filled in a circle on his nose and then added three little lines on each of his cheeks.

"Alright, now Dan, do that on my face so Phil can see what to do." I grabbed the Sharpie from her and tried to do the same thing. Obviously, it looked better when she did it but mine was okay.

"Alright," Phil exclaimed. "I think I've got it." He grabbed the Sharpie and walked over to me. He put his hands on my face to steady it and I couldn't see. I could feel the Sharpie tip on my nose but Phil's fore arm was on one side of my face.

"Oh God Phil!" I shouted. "I can't se-he-hee!" My giggles erupted through the room.

"Well, I'm the one drawing!" he giggled back. "Seeing isn't necessary for you now!" I felt him remove his arm off of my face and I opened my eyes. The marker brushed against my cheeks three times on both sides and eventually he was done.

We all ran to the bathroom and looked at ourselves. Then at the person who we whisker-a-fied. "I did good!" we exclaimed in unison.


"Alright! I've got my script. Dan, you've got the sheet music?" Phil asked. I nodded and held it up. "And Jamie, got your canvas and paint?"

"Aye-aye!" She squealed, raising her paintbrush.

"Alright. Take one!" Phil clicked the camera button on and hit record. That was my cue. I started the simple melody and Jamie quickly began stroking some pink into her cupcake frosting.

"Hey!" Phil said to the camera. "So, on the topic of sugar spice and everything nice, I'll tell you about a cake incident with me and my mum." He went into little details, talking about how he dropped his new kitten into the cake while the candles were lit. I giggled as I moved onto the chorus of the song. Jamie was done with her frosting and she moved to the wrapping.

Three hours and many takes later, we had a great rehearsal. "That was AMAZING!" Jamie squealed, the curls at the end of her hair bouncing with her light, happy step. Phil smiled, his tongue stuck between his teeth and his eyes glowing.


After having some pasta and salad, Jamie and Phil had to head home. "Hey," I said. "Saturday?" They nodded and Jamie gave me a hug.

"See you Dan," she said leaving. Phil waved and they left. I watched them as they hopped into Jamie's car. Another car stopped behind them. They were obviously in the way. I think that was my dad, but I wasn't positive.

I watched them close the doors to the car and start the engines and I realized I felt something for them.


But also:








My vision blurred as I fell over onto the pile of shattered glass. I saw my front door open and some big hands reached in and grabbed me. The face was unfamiliar. Dan and Jamie were behind me, screaming. The hands started to drag me towards a van, the vehicle that stopped behind Phil and Jamie.

I heard more footsteps and I was abruptly dropped. "JAMIE! GET HIM TO THE CAR!" Phil shouted. I felt Jamie's arms wrap from under mine and drag me towards the car.


"Shh," Jamie cooed. "It'll be alright." She stopped for a second. "PHIL! HURRY!"

I was thrown into the backseat of her car and the door was closed. Suddenly it opened again and Phil was in he back with me. Jamie got into the drivers seat. "Phil, make sure he's okay," Jamie instructed. He lifted me up so I could sit right and my vision disappeared. "Did you call 999?"

"Yeah, I got the plate number and they told me to leave immediately while the guy was unconscious." Phil replied.

"You knocked him unconscious?"

"Sort of. He grabbed me when I kicked him and he fell backwards and hit his head on the van door."

"Good enough."

My hearing began to fade as well, meaning I was blacking out. The last thing I heard was Phil.



Charity's PoV

I struggled and squealed in the dark. I tried to stand but my legs were tied together. My wrists were also tied together. My lips were pressed together with duct tape.

"Shut up!" The van driver said. He opened the van door and got out with his gun and I knew what he was going to do.

I bent my elbows and pried the tape off of my mouth. I then slipped one hand out of the rope, now being able to get rid of the cursed thing. I began to work on the one around my legs. I got one foot half out when I heard it.


Followed by shattering glass, I knew what was happening. "DAN!" I called. He was in danger. Without thinking, I slipped one boot off and taking that boot out of the rope. I then took the rope off of my other foot and threw my boot back on, as to not hurt my feet, and jumped out of the van.

I saw Dan being dragged towards another car and some boy attacking Ed. Ed hit his head on the van and the boy whipped out a phone and looked at the van plate. After reading it to someone on the phone, he darted to the car and it drove off.

So I followed it.

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