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Dan's PoV
English. Room 207. I looked at the door and debated coming in. They wouldn't like me. I was too isolated. Too shaky. I grabbed the cold, metal door handle and twisted it. Then pushed.

The heads all turned to me. The faces all with different expressions. I studied each one. A jock guy looked amused. Some girls looked flirtatious and seemed to like me. Some girls and guys looked at me in disgust. And then there was him. This kid in the back with black hair and wicked blue eyes. They almost looked fake. He was very pale and he slumped way down in his seat. He stared back at me with those sky blue eyes. It was a total staring competition.

"Class," Mr. Barnes called, making me snap my head towards him, instantly loosing our battle of long lasting eye contact. "This is our new student, Daniel Howell."

"It's... it's just... Dan," I corrected him. He looked at me and nodded.

"Yes, sorry. Dan." He smiled again, retrying his introduction. "Dan, there are a few seats open. One next to Jamie," he said, pointing to a girl with brown ombré hair. She waved, slightly nervous, tugging at the collar of her white blouse under her black jacket. Artist. "One next to Tom," he gestured to a guy in the 3rd row back with blond hair. He was tan and muscular and didn't seem to enjoy my presence. Jock. "Or you can sit next to Phil." He gestured to the boy in the back. "You can pick."

I pretended to debate and went to sit by Phil for many reasons. One: he didn't look like he was going to hurt me. Two: it was in the back. Three: He was a boy so I didn't have to be flirted with. Not saying he is or isn't gay but if he is then flirting won't happen in class.

"Well, since I was going to give you time to read in your books that you need to finish next week, I think it's ok to give you time to get to know Dan!" Oh God, I thought, I'm going to be swarmed. Luckily, Mr. Barnes added: "Don't swarm him. He'll come around and talk to you. Right Dan?" I nodded and stood up. If I start with the front row and make small talk, then I can work to Phil last and use up the rest of class time to talk to him. He seemed nice enough. Maybe he could be my first friend here.

I walked up to the front row and over to a desk with about five or six girls crowded around. "Hi," a blonde girl said. She twirled the golden strand of hair with her finger.

"Hi..." I kind of looked down. It was an awkward moment of silence before I moved on. One of the girls sniffled. I continued to move. I was never good with talking to girls unless it was asking for directions or homework. I was bullied when I was talking to a girl and, under the pressure, made all of my words come our wrong. Long story short, she thought I was having a stroke.

After getting to know some people, I went to talk to Phil. I sat down at my newly acquired desk and looked at the old wood. It was light brown and had many pencil scribbles on it. In the corner, the words 'Screw school! I'm going to become a Pokémon master!' Were engraved with a pencil.

"Uh, hey!" I heard a voice say. I looked over to see Phil looking at me.

"Hi," I replied.

"Umm... so, what school did you come from?" he asked. Not a conversation starter. He took his hand and put it on the back of his neck.

"Uhh... I used to go to Miles Brook." I sound so boring. Why am I not entertaining? "Kind of crappy..."


We sat in silence for a bit. Then I turned to him. "Can I sit with you at lunch?" He looked at me shocked. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were red.

"Umm, well... I... umm," he stammered. Was he trying to avoid me? Well, new guy isn't cool. Not good for anyone but the ladies.

"Fine," I said, rather rudely. "It's ok! Ditch the new guy! I know! I'm not cool." Phil looked even more shocked. His jaw dropped.

"No I-"

"Nope! I totally understand!"

The bell rang. I ran up to Mr. Barnes and told him about the student tutor option and then sprinted towards my locker, avoiding eye contact with anyone. First day, bad start.

Really, Dan?

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