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Phil's PoV

Jamie came home yesterday, and today is the talent show. We all went into school and made people gasp. I had a limp and one crutch. Dan walked slowly, his gut still aching. Jamie was in a wheelchair with two casts, one on each leg. She had one bright pink and one bright blue. "Call me CC for cotton candy!" she joked with us the day she got out.

We didn't have any classes today because of the talent show. I went to look at the schedule to see when Dan, Jamie, and I were going up, and surprise, surprise! We are last! Oh well.


We waited backstage nervously for the act before us to finish. I guess I should tell them now. "Dan. Jamie," I called quietly. They came over.

"What's up?" Jamie asked. I sighed.

"There is something I need to tell you." They looked at me, puzzled. "I'm not 16, I'm 19." Jamie clasped her hand over her mouth.

Dan piped up. "You stayed back three years?" I nodded. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I wasn't great at school until this year. They said I'm skipping over juniors though, so I guess that's good." Dan just wrapped his arms around me.

"Just tell us next time," he said. I nodded and patted him on the back. We heard the other act finishing and he let go of me. "Alright," he said, "let's do this." He walked out and I followed, wheeling Jamie. Everyone fell silent.

"I hope you don't mind," I told them. "I changed my monologue a bit." They nodded. "Alright, hello... everyone!" I called nervously to the other students. Dan began to play Icing and Jamie started to paint her cupcake. "Umm, so I was going to tell you about sugar, spice, and everything nice, but I decided not to." Dan stumbled a bit on the keys at my words but continued. "I'm here to talk about bullying." At this point Dan stopped and stared at me. Jamie just smiled and continued.

Dan ran up to me. "Phil what are you-" he whispered, but I ignored him and pressed a button on the remote in my pocket.

A recording of Dan playing Icing popped on the screen. "I thought that might happen." He just sat back down at the piano and watched me. "People seem to enjoy picking on me because I'm weak, shy," I made air quotation marks with my hands when I said, "emo." Tom snickered and I glared at him. "They also seem to enjoy picking on other people who they title nerd, geek, slut, freak, gay." I could feel Dan tense at the last one. "I would like all of my fellow victims to stand up and tell a teacher about that person." To my utter surprise, half the audience got up and walked to a teacher. Each teacher pulled out a clipboard and wrote names down. I smiled and held the mic up to my lips. "I'll join," I told them, scanning the crowd for... "Mr. Barnes, Tom has been picking on me, beating me up, and forcing me to do his homework." Tom slumped way down in his seat. "I would like to make it stop." Mr. Barnes walked up to Tom and pointed him out. I saw him head towards the principal's office. I smiled.

"YA PHIL!" I heard a voice call from the back of the audience. Applause broke out and I smiled even wider.

"See?" I told them. "It's not that hard or scary to pipe up and tell someone! Don't ever let anyone tell you you are nothing! Don't let your decisions affect the way people treat you. If you are transgender, be transgender. If you are Christian, be Christian. If you are part of Illuminati... well, I guess we all want to know if someone is but I would keep that to myself." Everyone snickered. I continued. "If you are gay, be gay!" I looked over the crowd. "I mean," I rubbed the back of my head, "I am and I'm not ashamed." People were dead silent and I was afraid that I made a bad choice.

Then, someone in the back stood up and started clapping. Others followed and soon the whole auditorium was giving us a standing ovation. "Can I also point out Jamie's amazing art skills? And Dan's piano skills?" The applause grew louder and the screams roared through the auditorium. We all bowed and Dan wheeled Jamie out and I turned to follow after adding, "BE YOURSELF!" The curtains closed behind us and we all shared a group hug.


"The winner of the school's first ever talent show is..." All of the groups backstage held hands hoping. We all came back from lunch. During the time where everyone was eating, they casted their votes. We were all about to find out who won.

"Jamie, Dan, and Phil!" The crowd burst out in applause and we started screaming. We ran out on stage to receive our award and say thank you. Our school treated this way too much like the Emmy's or something. Jamie was handed the trophy and they handed the mic to me so I could make a speech, but before I could speak, Dan grabbed the mic.

"Dan what are-"

"Surprise!" he shouted to the audience. He grabbed my face and planted his lips on mine. I was scared until I heard a giant erupt of applause.

We broke apart and I looked into Dan's eyes. "Wha-"

"I told you it was a good idea," he told me.

Jamie grabbed the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Phan!"


One month later

I clicked the camera on and waved.

"Hi I'm Phil and welcome to my video blog..."


Thank you SOO MUCH for reading this story! I had so much fun writing it! I would like to thank my biggest fans, _SilverCompas_ (my sister) and crazymarie13 (my best friend). They begged me everyday to keep writing and I really decided I would because of them. They are my bæs! Thanks you to all of my other readers. Luv uuuzzzzz! <3

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