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Dan's PoV

I looked at the poster. 'School Talent Show'. I groaned, wanting to ignore it, but the freaking poster grabbed me by the jaw and screamed "DAN! READ ME NOOOWW!"

As I scanned through the poster, I realized I wasn't escaping this completely. A class mate had to nominate you to get in, and then, all the nominees would be paired up. Votes for nominees were being casted today. The twenty four most nominated people would be in the show. The winners would get 1,000 pounds and a 100% for extra curricular in everyone of their classes.

I groaned and casted a vote. I put Jamie in because she can draw an amazingly detailed picture of a dog. After slipping the little pink slip of paper into the box, I walked to science.

Upon my arrival, the class was talking about the talent show. I sat in my seat. I was lab partners with Jamie. We were kind of friends. She was nice and I was upset I didn't sit next to her in English. She brushed her ombré hair behind her shoulder and greeted me.

"Hey Dan!" she smiled. I slightly smiled back.


"Hey! Did you hear that the talent show nominee winners will be announced today?" she told me. I practically choked on nothing.

"I'm... I'm sorry. What?!" I asked. "What the hell?"

"I know right?" She face palmed and went "Doi!" We giggled and then she looked at me.

"Just between us," she began. "Who did you nominate?" Shit. What do I do?

"Don't hate me..." I began. I braced myself for impact. "You." She punched me in the arm.

"Why?" She giggled through her serious face, failing at looking angry and upset. "You know I hate being in front of people!"

"I know but you're really good at drawing!" I complained. She looked at me. "I can't do... anything!" She rolled her eyes, knowing my statement couldn't be true.

"You're breathing, so..."

"Fine," I gave in.

"Besides, you have to have some special talents!" I thought about the piano, but shook it off.

"Who did you nominate?" I asked. Curiosity was killing me. She kept putting off her answer with complaints.

"I haven't voted yet. I need to find someone with a nice talent." She looked at me.

"Truthfully?" I asked, checking to make sure.

"Truthfully." I sighed and thanked her because I thought she was sabotaging me.

As soon as the teacher came in, we shut up and turned to the front to begin our lesson.


At the end of science, we skipped our next period and went to the auditorium because everyone had voted. Jamie ended up just voting for me, calling "REVENGE!" as she dropped her slip in the box.

We took our seats in the auditorium and talked until the lights dimmed. As soon as they began to dim, Jamie and I started slapping each other's arms nervously.

"OmahGodomahGodomahGodomahGod!" she squealed nervously.

"Shhshshhh!" I shushed her as the head teacher walked on stage. We silenced as she picked up the microphone.

"Ahem!" she cleared her throat. "After counting your votes, we have 24 nominees." I sat up straighter, listening intently. I wasn't going to get picked. I know it. Barely anyone knew me.

As she listed off the names, I sighed with relief every time I wasn't called. About ten names were left when it happened.

"Jamie Collins," Mrs. Right called. Jamie's face flushed a deep red. She slowly stood up, her hands shaking. She walked towards the stage cautiously, as if she just got picked for the Hunger Games.

While Jamie was approaching the stage, I sat in the back dying of laughter. Not loudly, just silently choking on amusement.

"Dan Howell." That shut me up. I looked around, was I being scolded? Then I saw Jamie who was smiling with glee and mischief. And then I knew what was going on.

I turned pale and began to sweat and shake. I didn't have any talents. Sure, the piano, but I can't tell anyone. My feet carried me slowly towards the stage. Step. My breathing grew heavier. Step. My hands and neck were more tense. Step. And I was on the stage.

"Phil Lester." And I knew I was going down as Phil, broken drums stalker Phil, avoid me Phil, shy boy Phil, staring competition Phil, walked up towards the stage. I grew light headed. Please don't be partners, I pleaded in my head.

I looked out through the audience. The many heads of my peers looked at me. The bright lights in front of the stage blinded me temporarily, leaving little white dots in my vision. My head was spinning. My heart was pounding. I didn't know what to do.

And to make it even better, they said that there was a tie for the 24th spot so the first group picked would have three people as there were 25 contestants. They would randomly pull names from a hat and those people would be in a group/pair. The first group would be the group. I tensed up. This means I would have more of a chance to be in a group with Phil.

I nervously looked over at Jamie. Her brown to blonde ombré shined in the stage lights. Her skin was pink from nervousness and pressure as well as light heat. Her green eyes sparkled with hope. Hope that it would be us in a group so we would be comfortable. Of course, someone else might be there, but we are friends so we felt less nervous.

"Dan," Mrs. Right pulled my name first. Jamie was already shaking. She scuffed her white, paint splattered converse on the floor. The polished wood stayed in good condition, leaving only a dust trail. "Jamie," Jamie jumped for joy. She ran over and hugged me. I awkwardly patted her and smiled for the audience. When she released me, Mrs. Right continued. "And Phil."

My joy was gone. I was taken over with nervousness. Phil timidly walked over and my head started spinning. Only friend: gone. Well, I had Jamie. You scared him away. I didn't. You did. He watched me. He cares about you. Does he? Conversations with my mind are weird.

By the time that conversation was over, Phil was standing next to Jamie. Mrs. Right spoke up again. "So, what will your group be called?" I looked at Jamie. She looked back, dumb founded. Then we both slowly turned to look at Phil. He gulped and looked around. Then back at us.

"The... the..." We stared, slightly impatient. "The cats..." he finally said. He smiled when he got a chuckle out of the audience and added a: "Meoooww!" Jamie tried to hold back her laughter. I actually couldn't help but laugh myself. Then I stopped, remembering everything.

Phil had taken and opportunity to stalk me while I was playing piano and then go and break a drum in the process. The other part was my fault, taking his shock in the wrong way. I was going to apologize for my behavior. Then I found him lurking in the shadows of the music room, watching me as I poured my soul out through my deepest darkest secret.

We were then sent off stage with sweaty palms and red faces, a 'meow'ing Phil following, also sweaty and red.

This was going to be a long week.

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