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Phil's PoV

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the dark room. Where was I? I tried to stand up but my arms and legs were tied together. I also realized my mouth was taped shut. The light flickered and I jumped slightly. "Well, well..." a voice muttered. "Look who's awake!" Three men emerged from the shadows. The first one was carrying a gun. He was tall and buff with a buzz cut and a goatee. The second one was shorter and not as buff. He had dirty blond hair that was like Draco Malfoy's hair. The third one was very tall and very thin with a quiff. "Jerry," the first guy said to the third, "take the tape." Jerry walked over and ripped the tape off of my mouth. His eyes were very scared but obedient but his face was serious and angry.

"So," said the second guy. "What's your name and how do you know Dan?"

I gulped. "I'm Phil and-"

"Hey!" Jerry screeched, "we have a Phil, too!" He laughed and turned around. "Hey Phil! Come here!" A short blond guy came out. He had gelled hair.

"What!?" he shouted. "I was napping!"

Jerry snorted, "That's other Phil!" Phil grunted and walked out.

"Dimwit," he muttered.

"Shut up, Jerry!" The first guy instructed. "You idiotic fool!" He looked back at me. "By the way, I'm Alfred and that," he pointed to the second guy, "is Bob." Bob nodded. "Anyways... Phil, how do you know Dan?"

I gulped. What was I supposed to say? I didn't want to put him in danger! "I'm just a friend of his from school." Alfred nodded.

"Do you know his girlfriend Charity?"

I nodded. "They aren't dating anymore."

"Oh! Is he dating that other chick you were walking with?" Bob asked.

"No," I replied. I could feel my face heating up.

Jerry sighed. "Oh good! I thought she was cute."

Bob slapped him. "GET IT TOGETHER MAN!"

"Ow! Sorry!" he said, rubbing his face in pain.

"Stop!" Alfred called as Bob and Jerry began to fight. He dove in to try and separate them. Now's my chance. There was a door that was half way opened. I could slither out while they were distracted. I slipped one shoe off of my foot and pulled that foot out of the ropes. I then got the rope off of my second foot. I slowly stood up, my mind racing. What if one of them noticed? My hands were still tied together and I only had one shoe. I bent down and grabbed the other one and began to slowly approach the door. Jerry was sitting on the floor with a bloody nose while Alfred was lecturing Bob. He looked up and saw me leaving. I begged with my eyes for him to let me go.

He shook his head, his quiff trembling, and mouthed, "Help me." I looked around and then came up with a plan.

"Follow me," I mouthed back. He slowly got up and walked towards me. "Don't hurt me!" I mouthed.

He shook his head. "I won't," he mouthed back. I ran full speed ahead at the door and emerged out into the door, Jerry behind me.

"Hey!" Alfred called. "GET HIM!" He growled. "JERRY GRAB HIM!" Jerry flipped the bird behind him as we continued to run. "JERRY!"

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