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Louis' life feels like a whirlpool of chaos he gets sucked into despite of his attempts to balance it back to normalcy. Between office, 'unofficial' work, Harry and now the floating whispers of the Sons of Medusa's return, Louis is, without a doubt, drained. His eyes carry dark crescents underneath it which appear even darker with his contrasting paper-pale skin. His heaven-blessed cheekbones defining even further due to his rapidly shedding mass while the vibrancy of his sapphires fade down to a dull, tired aegean.

For Louis, it is not the back-bending workload that has led him to his state of fatigue, but the crippling anxiety of the unknown. It started the night Niall first brought up the Sons and as the days went by, the entire underworld had heard lingering whispers of the return of the legendary enigma. No one has confirmed anything yet but every leader has already enhanced their security, Louis included, and it is kind of an unannounced canon among them that everyone has each other's back when the storm hits them. If the storm hits them.

His mind has been over-flooding with worry and paranoia every minute of the day. He is afraid that one day he'll return from work and Harry won't be in his bedroom or worse; he'll be in a state Louis found his mum in. Louis has appointed members of his gang to stay close to the French house, dressed in casuals to mix with the crowd, and keep a tight eye on any questionable movements. He has also been more alert with his business partners ever since the Phoenix incident.

Speaking of Phoenix, the man has mysteriously gone underground ever since the uprise of the Sons of Medusa's return suspicions. There are no traces of him left, as if the man never existed on the planet  and something about that doesn't sit right for Louis. Phoenix's entire business firm has been handed over to his nephew, George Phoenix, since Adam doesn't have kids of his own, and even the top-tier private investigators Louis has hired are unable to locate him. Louis understands the man though, knowing what happened almost four decades ago, no one would  ever want a fate like that, even if there's a thin chance the whispers aren't true.

As Louis drives back to Harry and Niall's, a jar of Nutella on the passenger seat along with a few Mars bars, his stressed shoulders relax a bit at the thought of spending the weekend without having to go to work, more importantly getting to spend it with Harry without the younger falling asleep every two hours. Harry has recovered almost completely, just a visible limp and a dull ache in his wrist could be pointed out. The boy has managed to completely put Louis under a spell, anything Harry wanted, Louis will present it to him in a blink of an eye. It should scare Louis in all honesty, to have someone mean so much to you in such a short time, but Louis can't stop. Harry is like a drug Louis is ready to drown in.

In the past weeks Harry has managed to convince Louis to give Daniel a pay raise since the comic man is doing Harry's job. Harry even went as far as to asking Louis to cut down his own salary in order to increase Daniel's. Man child. Louis also learned more about the curly-haired lad in the past days, things he couldn't find from his investigators files. Louis' heart broke a little whenever Harry talked about the times he wished for nothing more than to have a mum and dad. Harry was orphaned at a young age, so young that he couldn't even remember what his parents looked like. His foster home told him he was only three when a young woman left him on their doorstep on a cold night with a small note that carried just his name, date of birth and that he didn't have his parents anymore.

One night, when Harry had managed to convince Niall to play him something on the guitar, Harry confessed to Louis that he always wanted to learn it himself, to play in front of the people and spread the joy of music in the world but the people in the foster home told a little twelve year old Harry that they didn't want to waste their money on a valueless orphan. Harry also told him about the nights older children would bully him because of his unruly curls, the nights he would hug a pillow thinking it was his mum miraculously. But no matter what, Harry always woke up with a smile, convinced himself it was a new day, a better day. He worked day and night, burying himself in mountains of books until he earned himself a scholarship in a prestigious school and later, a job in Tomlinson Enterprise.

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