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He stares down at the floor like his life has been snatched out of his body. Liam's screaming, there are people running in panic but he is numb, blue eyes fixed on Zayn lying on the filthy ground, his studded blazer drowning in thick crimson. Zayn saved Louis. "Z," he sobs, pulling the raven-haired man in his arms, hands immediately applying pressure on the wound. "W-why?" He whispers through a dry throat, fat tears rolling down his chin. Louis can faintly hear people moving around him, Liam screaming at the phone, while he watches Zayn's chest move as he breathes erratically.

Louis continues to stare at Zayn, his own clothes soaking with Zayn's blood. Zayn smiles at him lovingly, as if the fucker doesn't have a bullet stuck in his cunt chest at the very fucking moment, and blinks lazily at Louis, gorgeous eyelashes fluttering slowly, "I'd always save you, Louis." Zayn says in a small voice, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Lou," Liam gently shakes him, a stretcher and some nurses behind him. Louis nods wordlessly, reluctantly letting Zayn go. He pulls Liam into a hug the moment he's on his feet, hiding the younger's face in his chest as they watch them take away Zayn to the ambulance. Liam hugs Louis back, tight and helpless, and he sobs, sobs brokenly into his chest, wetting Louis' shirt. Louis holds him hard, silent tears rolling down his own cheek, and hands gently cradling a shaking Liam.

"Li," Louis whispers, being the braver one of the two, "let's go," he says, not looking Liam in the eye because he knows he'll break if he does. They walk towards Louis' car, police cars lining up in front of the club and officials scattered all over the place. Louis hopes they can bribe their way through this, that somehow Liam's contacts can get them out of this, but this is the least of his concerns, he needs to see Zayn, make sure he's fine.

"I'm sorry," Louis breathes and looks ahead, bloodstained hands on the steering wheel, driving on the empty roads, the thick fog blurring their view in front. "It's not- it's not your fault, Lou. He chose to push you, he always does. You would've done the same- you have done the same," Louis nods when Liam finishes, his eyes determinedly fixed on the road. They don't speak up again, silent tears betraying their brave masks, sniffles echoing instead of usual chatter.


"Zayn Malik?" Louis inquires the moment the reception is in their view. The hospital is empty, no one but a few workers ghosting the floor since it is somewhere between two in the morning. "He's undergoing a surgery currently, the doctors will speak to you once the situation is under control. Please wait in the lounge until then and try not to create any disorder this time." The receptionist says, the last sentence directed mostly towards Louis.

"You should go," Louis hears Liam say after almost an hour of silence. He lifts his head from his hands, meeting Liam's rimmed eyes, "I'm not leaving him." Liam places a warm hand on Louis shoulder, gently pulling the smaller boy into his arms, hands rubbing his back consolingly. "I'll be here, Lou, I'll call you when he's out, but right now, you need to check up on Niall and Harry. I've tried calling them but Niall's phone is switched off and Harry is not picking up," Liam informs Louis, kissing his hair lightly. "'Arry's phone is at mine, he forgot to bring it to the club. But what about the cops, Payno?" Louis rasps tiredly, leaning into Liam's touch. "Robert's got it all under control, he's also got the witnesses to zip up their mouths. Don't worry about that, just go, okay?" "Alright, alright. Don't start snogging me now," Louis says and playfully pushes Liam off, both offering each other a small smile before Louis exits the building.

Liam's strong, Louis knows that, but he feels weighted seeing how Louis should be the one comforting Liam, not the other way round. Maybe it's not a person that is strong, maybe it's the situation that makes them. With Zayn absent, Liam's put on a brave face, taken up the responsibility of looking after everything while Louis does nothing. Just like he did nothing and Zayn ended up in the hospital.

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