Chapter Two

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(A/N: Hi! Sometimes I use pictures that represent Y/N in my mood boards or tiktoks and I want to apologize if the images don't always resemble who is reading

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(A/N: Hi! Sometimes I use pictures that represent Y/N in my mood boards or tiktoks and I want to apologize if the images don't always resemble who is reading. I want to get better at being inclusive to all of my readers. I try my best to find photos that fit the vibe of the story and unfortunately I feel like those images tend to look like the same girl. I want you to imagine yourself as Y/N and I hope that little things like that don't take away from it. My DMs are always open <3)


You really didn't want to start the first day of your senior year of college trying not to cry in your academic advisor's office but... here you were.

    You'd been so proud of yourself the night before for getting your outfit laid out for the next day and your book bag packed. It had all been going smoothly. Too smoothly. You should've known.

    When you woke up that morning you saw that you had several emails from your registrar's office, telling you that the class you had been signed up for weeks was now full and you were put on a long waitlist. AKA: You weren't able to take one of the classes you planned for.

    So now, here you were, doing your best not to sniffle in front of your concerned advisor. "I just have to find a class with the same amount of credits because I can't fall behind. I have to graduate on schedule, I don't have enough money or time to-" Your rambling was cut off.

    "Enough." He interrupted gently, picking up the phone on his desk and punching in a number. "I'll take care of it."

    You took a deep breath and relaxed in your seat, trusting him.

    Dr. Armitage Hux was a great advisor. He always pulled so many strings for you.

    "Hello? It's Dr. Hux, yes." He said, putting on a convincingly charming voice when the person answered on the other line. "How are you doing? Busy I'm sure?... I know, it's always hectic at the beginning of the term."

    As he spoke, you shifted in your seat with a frown. On the surface, it wasn't a big deal to not have the planned classes for one term but you wouldn't be able to pay the overload fees if you had to take an extra class next semester to make up for it. And if you weren't able to do that, you'd have to pay for an extra semester to eventually graduate.

    You tried not to let your mind wander. It wouldn't do you any good.

    "I have a student here," Dr.Hux glanced at you with a small smile before looking back at his computer screen. "She was told that she was put on a waitlist for a class she already registered for. I just don't see how that's possible."

    He continued to speak on the phone, typing various things into his computer, clicking quickly on his mouse. "I see here that the class isn't at full capacity... Must've been a mistake, yeah...I can override the system...Does that work?... Sure, thank you so much. Have a good day."

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