Chapter Nine

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[Warnings: Drug use (weed), brief mentions of alcoholism, mention of somnophilia but it isn't acted on, bondage (safeword included)]

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[Warnings: Drug use (weed), brief mentions of alcoholism, mention of somnophilia but it isn't acted on, bondage (safeword included)]

Could Dr.Hux see the hickeys that Professor Ren left on your skin?

    You kept asking yourself that question as you sat across from him in his office, trying to distract your nerves by typing away at your computer.

Hux was planning to go on sabbatical in a few years, take some time off from his everyday work to travel and study in Europe. To do so, there was some initial groundwork that needed to be done. You had been thrilled when he shared he trusted you enough to help him with it. You were the only student that was involved.

    You were definitely Dr.Hux's favorite.

    It wasn't exactly easy to hide marks on your skin when the weather was as hot as it was. It wasn't as if you could wrap a thick scarf around your neck or pull up the hoodie on a sweatshirt.

    It didn't help that you normally wore little tank tops or low-cut dresses. The fact that you had on a casual, cotton T-shirt with your sorority's letters on it, was a red flag within itself.    

    "Did you have a fun weekend?" Dr.Hux asked as he flipped the page in the textbook in front of him, jotting little notes down in the margin.

    Your fingers paused on your keyboard, glancing up at him before you focused back down at what you'd been typing originally. It was an innocent question but knowing exactly how you spent your time was what gave you pause.

    There was no way Hux could know. Even if he could see the hickeys, he wouldn't think that Professor Ren had anything to do with it.

    But still, your mind wandered to everything that had taken place when Kylo bent you over his knee and marked you with his kisses.

    You glanced up at Dr.Hux at the thought, wondering if he could read your mind and it would reveal your secrets.

    He made no indication of noticing, humming slightly under his breath when he found something of interest, marking his book with his pen. "No wild parties?" He asked, finally looking over at you with a hint of a smile.

    You watched his eyes travel from your face to your neck, squinting slightly as he stared.

You'd done your best to cover the marks with make-up but they were still slightly visible in the overhead lighting of Hux's office.

    You shifted in your seat, turning your head slightly in an attempt to make sure that he didn't see anything that he was searching for. Regardless of who gave them to you, you weren't sure if you wanted Hux to see them at all.

    "Not really, no." You shrugged, "How about you? Did you get some work done?" You asked, attempting to change the subject.

    "A little, yes." Dr.Hux answered, tearing his eyes away from you.

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