Chapter 7: A Blob-aster

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I was awoken by the sound of a trumpet or maybe it was a bugle, I don't really know. The one thing that I do know is that it was loud and annoying. I cover my ears with my pillow, not wanting to be waken up this early. Hazel, on the other hand, jumps right out of bed. She's clearly a morning person. I consider myself more of a morning person over a night owl but sometimes, I just want to sleep in. Hazel probably has a lot of energy to release since she did past out in the middle of our conversation last night but still, that doesn't give an excuse for her being this joyful this early.

"Good morning campers! Today is the first day of the rest of your lives!" Chris says over the loud speaker as Hazel says this part out loud in our cabin in her pajamas, dancing around. I think she grabbed a hairbrush to use as a microphone or maybe it was a shoe. I really don't know, I'm half asleep still.

"It is currently eight o'clock in the morning. The weather is looking beautiful for today so get dressed, go get some breakfast and let's get this day started!" Chris finishes. "By the way, sign ups for this weeks activities with begin right after breakfast," Chris adds. The microphone shuts off and I try to go back to sleep but Hazel has other plans.

"Goooooood Morningggggg Addyyyy," Hazel yells to me. This just makes me want to cover my ears even more with my pillow. Hazel doesn't seem to get the idea though. Instead, she comes over to my bed and takes my pillow off my head. I try to fight back but she ultimately ends up winning.

"Come on sleepyhead. Today is the day where you finally get to experience camp for the first time," she says holding my pillow. I just roll around, facing the wall this time trying very hard to ignore Hazel and her happy eagerly this early in the morning. As I begin to close my eyes again, Hazel hits me with my pillow.

"Ow, Hazel," I groan as I roll around to face her. "What was that for?" I add.

"Come on, there's lots I want to show you today," she says grabbing my hand and basically dragging me out of my bed onto the carpet. I belly flop onto the ground. Thankfully we have a somewhat soft carpet or else that belly flop would have hurt a ton more.

"Ok, ok. You win," I say to her, standing up while rubbing my eyes.

"Good. Now get dressed so we can get to breakfast early. Don't want to be left with the crusty food," she says. Crusty food, oh gosh, yeah I don't want that. Although, Big Ed seems like a good cook so I doubt he'd let his food get crusty.

"I'll wait outside for you," Hazel says, already fully dressed for the day.

"How.." I begin to say as she walks out of the cabin door. I shake my head still confused about how she got dressed that fast. I grab the first t-shirt and first pair of shorts in my drawer to wear today. I quickly put them on then slip on my sneakers. I put my hair up into a quick pony tail then head towards the door.

"Quick, I like it," Hazel says to me when I walk out of our cabin. The fresh morning air hits my nose. Wow, it smells nice. Now I get why my parents were sniffing the air when we arrived yesterday. And to think I was making fun of them for it. I guess I spoke too soon. Hazel and I walk to the dining hall. As we walk in, my nose immediately gets hit with the smell of pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes to be exact.

"Smells good," I say to Hazel as we get in line for breakfast.

"Good morning Big Ed," Hazel says as he gives her some chocolate chip pancakes and the other fixings.

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