Chapter 11: The Rain Brought Us Closer

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Four Weeks Until Tribe Wars

It was still raining. It's been raining since dinner last night. What happens when it rains at camp? Oh, you'll see. The loud speaker comes on.

"Good morning campers. Today is a rainy day. All activities are canceled for the day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner remain as scheduled," Chris says. He also announced the points. Surprisingly, the Honey Badgers were in first still with 437 points. Us Wolves were in second with 422 points. The Foxes were in last with 418 points, very close behind us. Once the loud speaker turns off, that's when Hazel's energy ramps up.

"Movie day!" Hazel says jumping out of bed. I roll over in my bed, not wanting to get out. I knew Hazel was going to try and drag me out of bed but I couldn't careless. I just wanted to stay snuggled up in my warm blanket for a bit longer.

"Addy! Wake up! We have to start our movie marathon once Teddy gets here," she says, shaking me in my bed.

"It's too early, Hazel," I mumble out, flipping around to face her. To my surprise, when I flipped around, her face was right in front of mine.

"Ah!" I say, getting scared as heck by her.

"Oops, sorry Addy," Hazel says backing away from my bed.

"It's alright. Can I sleep a little longer? Please?" I say.

"Sure. I'll just read," Hazel says, grabbing her book and getting back in bed.

She finished the first five Harry Potter books, leaving her with only two left to read. I've known her for eight weeks but it still amazes me how fast of a reader she really is. She's on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince now. Me, on the other hand, I'm still stuck on reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Like I said before, I'm a slow reader. Always have and probably always will. I like reading but I can't read fast and understand everything really quickly like Hazel can.

Family day was two weeks ago. It was nice seeing my parents, although I'm surprised they never asked me about why I punched a kid. Maybe Michelle never told them. Whatever, it keeps me from getting in trouble back at home. Ever since then, I've been trying to become more open with both Hazel and Teddy. I would say I've made some improvement. I mean, I'm still pretty shy and my guard might still be slightly up but it's gotten better. Hazel's hugs don't bother me, I actually really love them to be honest. They're warm and filled with love. I still haven't found an answer for my question I asked Hazel. I would assume Teddy likes me but I really don't know. I've caught him and Hazel a few times chatting about, what I'm only guessing is, me but yet again who knows. Ethan and I have been friendly lately. We'll wave at each other if we see one another. We haven't had our talk yet but hopefully soon we will. I still haven't told Hazel and Teddy about the encounter with Ethan during manhunt. I really don't want them to worry. I heard their warnings and I'm going into this conversation, whenever him and I have it, with caution.

I fall back asleep for a bit, thankfully not being awaken by Hazel at all. The sound of the rain is very soothing, I really like it. However, it's not as soothing when it pours. The pouring rain woke me up.

"That changed rather fast," I say, propping myself up on my elbows facing Hazel in her bed still reading.

"It did. Who knows how long it's going to last," she says getting out of bed. "Get dressed. We're making our way to breakfast," she adds, throwing a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants at me while I'm still in bed.
I throw my sheet and blanket off of me and sit up in bed when I suddenly get hit in the face with a hoodie.

"Hazel," I said with a whine.

"Oops, sorry Addy. You might wanna wear that too. I don't know about you but when it rains, I always get cold," she says giving me an apologetic smile. Out of habit, I smell the hoodie. There's something about the soft fabric of the hoodie that makes me feel comfort and warmth.

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