Chapter 13: All's Fair In Love and Paintball

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One Week Until Tribe Wars

There's exactly one week until tribe wars begin. I would normally tell you that I'm super prepared for them but after my conversation with Ethan last week, I'm not so sure anymore. Ever since he pulled me aside and told me that Hazel and Teddy were talking about me behind my back, that certain thought has been stuck in my head. I haven't tried to confront Hazel or Teddy, let alone both of them at the same time, because this now open wounded hasn't healed and I honestly don't know if it will. It hurts to say this but I've noticed them whispering a lot more lately and it makes what Ethan told me seem even more true. Maybe he did tell me the truth. I really don't know. I haven't talked to them much this past week either. See, when something's wrong, I shut down. I get quiet and kind of isolate myself from the ones who started or are apart of the drama. I would still talk, not as much though, and go about my day as normal but the thought will constantly be stuck in my head. I also haven't gotten the best sleep the past week either due to my thoughts racing. I honestly feel like a zombie waking around. Thankfully, we didn't choose a crazy activity to do however, this weeks activity is paintball and everyone knows you can't play paintball half asleep. I'm actually looking forward to it. See, I've never played paintball before but it should be a fun new experience. It's also a plus because it'll be a good way for me to get rid of my anger.

"Good morning campers! We are officially one week away from tribe wars! I know everyone is just as excited as I am for them to begin! The Honey Badgers take a commanding lead with 758 points. The Fox tribe came out of last place and into second with 750 points. The Wolf tribe is sitting in last with 740 points. Remember to go find that silver lining and trust yourself," Chris announces over the loud speaker.

"How did we get in last place?!" Hazel says, confused and slightly mad that our second place lead over the past few weeks got taken away.

"Who knows," I say, as I get out of bed to get dressed for the day. I pull out a random t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts from my drawer. I also pulled out the same black long sleeve and pants I wore for manhunt, going to need those for after lunch when we play paintball.

"You sure you're fine, Addy?" Hazel asks me, concerned. Hazel and Teddy have noticed that I've been quiet the past week. It started when I came back from talking with Ethan. It hurts to lie to them both but I really don't want to talk about what Ethan said to me.

"Hazel, like I said about a thousand times, I'm fine," I say then put on one of my fake smiles that I've been sporting around camp for the past week now.

"Okay. Please let me know if anything's wrong though. I care about you," Hazel says to me. She goes back to picking out her clothes for the day.

We get dressed then, to our surprise, we get a knock on our cabin door.

"Come on! Big Ed's making French toast for breakfast! We can't be late!" Teddy says on the other side of the doors. Hazel rushed over to open the doors.

"Did you say French toast?" Hazel asks him.

"Yeah, so we better get going before it's all gone," Teddy says to us. Hazel quickly puts on her shoes then starts to head out the door. She stops before the doors shut, waiting for me.

"You coming?" she asks me.

"Uh, I'll meet you both at the dining hall. I need to doing something really quick," I tell her. She gives me her classic Hazel look, concerned mixed with a bit of worry. I know they're basically the same type of emotion but somehow Hazel makes them be separate emotions.

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