Chapter 12: Should Have Never Given You A Chance

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Two Weeks Until Tribe Wars

The summer is almost over. There are two weeks until tribe wars begin which means it's time to get serious about everything. Hazel's spontaneous quizzing started up again, it's like her and I know each other so well that I could give a whole speech about Hazel. Flag football practice with Marcus has been going good, I'm actually getting excited about winning the flag football game against the other tribes. Teddy's constantly hyping me up about how I can definitely win the camp legend award even though it's only my first summer here. I'm hopeful though. I know whatever I put my mind, I can accomplish it. This camp legend award is going to be mine by the end of this summer. Other than that, my friendships with Hazel and Teddy have been pretty good. I have caught them whispering to each other a few times. I mean, it can't be anything bad, right? They're my best friends and I trust them.

The loud speaker comes on, Hazel jumps out of bed. I decide to join her because I was feeling over joyed this morning for some reason.

"Good morning campers! Today is a beautiful day here at Camp Phoenix! The Honey Badger tribe is still in the lead with 645 points. The Wolf tribe is right behind them with 630 points. The Fox tribe is in last with 620 points. With only two weeks until tribe wars begin, it's still a very close race between the three tribes. With that, everyone go out and continue to find their silver lining!" Chris says over the loud speaker.

"That never gets old," I say as I chuckle.

"It really doesn't. I've been here for three summers already and my favorite part is when Chris or Michelle do morning announcements," Hazel says as she picks out her outfit for today.

"Twins today?" she asks me.

"Alright," I say. We've twinned a few times before and it's pretty fun. Teddy always makes fun of us though but we like it.

"Tribe shirt, black athletic shorts and black shoes?" I ask Hazel, pulling out my wolf tribe shirt.

"Sounds good," she says, pulling out her wolf tribe shirt as well. See, since Hazel's been here before me, she has more tribe specific shirts. The only tribe shirt I have is the one I got during the opening campfire. I have two Camp Phoenix shirts, the one Michelle and Chris gave me and the family day one. I wonder if my parents kept any of their old Camp Phoenix shirts. I'll definitely have to ask them when I get home.

We both get dressed then make our way out of our cabin to the dining hall for breakfast. As always, Big Ed greets us with a warm smile. You could tell Hazel and I were some of his favorite campers here at Camp Phoenix.

"You two getting ready for tribe wars to begin?" Big Ed asks us before we leave to sit down and eat.

"Of course I am!" Hazel says excitedly.

"I can't wait. It should be really fun," I say.

"I hope you guys win this year," Big Ed whispers to us, clearly not wanting the other campers who are on the Fox and Honey Badger tribe to hear that he is picking favorites. The other tribes kind of already know he likes Hazel, Teddy and I. He does like some other campers who are not on the Wolf tribe but us three are his ultimate favorites. We say our 'see you laters' then head over to a table to eat our breakfast.

"So, what activity should we sign up for this week?" I ask Hazel.

"I want to leave paintball as the last activity so we can do it next week. That just leaves us with arts and crafts," she says.

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