Chapter 5: Kind of Like The Golden Trio

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Hazel and I spent the rest of the day unpacking my bags and getting my half of the room decorated a bit more. While doing so, we also got to know each other a bit better. I've really come out of my shell talking to her, which is a good sign because that means I'm making a new friend.

"Do you have any siblings?" Hazel asks me.

"Nope. I'm an only child," I say.

"Lucky. I have a little sister. She can be annoying sometimes," Hazel explains. We kept asking each other basic get to know you questions but I wanted to ask her something a little different. I stop what I'm doing to ask her my question.

"Hey, I know this might be a weird question but do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?" I ask her, hoping to find out what she considers herself to see if I can relate to her or not. Hazel stops what she's doing to think of an answer to my interesting question.

"I would say introvert," Hazel says. "I mean, I do talk a lot, if you haven't noticed already, but I only really do that with people I genuinely like. I'm normally very quiet, kind of like how you are, and just have my nose in a book," she explains to me. I take in this information. Hazel's an introvert just like me. Mans, I really did get blessed with an amazing cabin mate this summer.

"I'm an introvert as well. I definitely have a slow to warm up personality but, like you, once I get to know somebody, I can talk their ears off," I say, giving a small chuckle. I grab the last thing from my suitcase. A small, stuffed dog to be exact. I've had it since I was little. It always goes with me whenever I leave home. I place it next to my pillow on my bed.

"That's the last thing," I say to Hazel. I zipper up my suitcase and push it underneath my bed, keeping it out of the way until I need it for when we pack up at the end of camp. Just as I finished, there's a knock at our door. It wasn't your ordinary knock. It was a fancy knock, like a secret special knock that only a few people would know. Hazel hear's the knock and immediately rushes over to the door, knowing exactly who it is. She swings both doors open revealing a boy with red hair who is wearing the same shirt as Hazel. I'm guessing he's on the wolf tribe with her.

"Guess who doesn't have a cabin mate this summer," the boy says happily as he opens his arms to give Hazel a big hug.

"You lucky dog, Teddy," Hazel says after giving the boy a hug. "Speaking of cabin mates, I have to introduce you to mine," Hazel says, letting the boy in. I stand up from my bed and walk over to greet him.

"Hi there! My name's Teddy. It's short for Theodore but I prefer Teddy," he explains, sticking out his hand.

"Hi. My name's Addy. It's short for Addison but I prefer Addy," I say back to him, hoping he gets my hint of a joke. I shake his hand in return.

"I like her already," he says to Hazel while pointing his finger at me after giving a chuckle about my joke.

"She's great. Better then my past cabin mates," Hazel says flopping down onto a bean bag chair, facing Teddy and I standing.

"Hazel's past cabin mates turned out to be total jerks," Teddy says with a scoff as he joins her on the ground. I stand there wondering what her past cabin mates were like. I join Teddy and Hazel on the floor, sitting in the other bean bag chair. I listen as they continue on.

"They were, Addy. They treated me like garbage. I felt so unwanted the entire summer. Thankfully, I had met Teddy early on or else I would have end up leaving camp entirely. He's the reason why I came back next summer and keep coming back," Hazel says trying not to shed a tear as Teddy gives her a comforting hug. Every word she just said made me remember how terribly I was treated by those I once called my friends. Gosh, why did I ever get myself wrapped up in with those three, nasty, manipulating girls. They were like your everyday mean girls. They convinced the popular kid hierarchy to pick on me as well. Fake instagrams, they had them and they used them to basically bully me when not in school. Hazel went through the same thing I did but here at camp. Thankfully she met Teddy or who knows who my cabin mate would have been. Wow, bullies really suck.

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