After a few beers in a candle lit bar Barry and Oliver headed outside and the speedster asked if Oliver wanted to stay the night in Central rather than taking a trip back to Star City after a few beers. Speed and alcohol was probably not a good combo Oliver thought and agreed.
"Iris is staying at Joe's with Wally after you know her brother rushed into an alien fight so her apartment is empty." Barry explained and his cheeks flushed bright red when Oliver raised an eyebrow at him because it sounded like Barry was inviting him to stay with him in his girlfriend's empty apartment. "I... um.. that doesn't mean what it sounded like... I meant so you could crash on the couch if you'd like...I'm not trying to hit on you... I mean obviously not... Why would I? I have Iris." The more the speedster rambled nervously, the more red his cheeks got. They were practically the same color as his dark red shirt under his dark gray blazer.
Oliver couldn't help but smile at the dork in front of him and it hit him just how right the younger man had been before, he wasn't full in that other world even if he would've been happy with Laurel. This was the right world. Because Barry's here. And the younger man's nervousness reminded him a lot of the first time they met in that Queen Consolidated warehouse and he was just as adorable tonight which caused Oliver to break into a nervous chuckle, just like he had done earlier this evening, when it had sounded an awful a lot like Barry had asked him out (we gotta do this more often, get together I mean). And then they had been hanging out in a candle lit bar. Just the two of them. And Oliver couldn't help but feel like this was a date and that Barry didn't want the night to end just yet. And truth to be told neither do I, but how do I tell Barry that when he's finally happy with Iris, the woman he's been in love with since he was a kid. Oliver's thoughts led to his way too honest reply.
"I know, Barry. And I could never be the one to get between what you and Iris have, not many people find a love like that in their lifetime and I made the stupid mistake of cheating, which didn't exactly end well, as you know." Oliver murmured. Did I just say that out loud? As if I wanted to be with Barry tonight, but couldn't because he loves Iris? Oh crap! I must be more drunk than I thought. Why else would I admit things like that?
Barry's heart skipped a beat as he was processing what Oliver had just said. But instead of replying he just grabbed the archer and ran him back to Iris empty apartment where they could talk without worrying about people passing by and noticing the famous Oliver Queen flirting with another man.
Oliver looked around in disorientation in the unfamiliar apartment before he felt nausea well up in him. And yup speed and booze definitely wasn't a good combination and he suddenly understood how Diggle felt every time they were speeded somewhere, even without being drunk, as he stumbled into the bathroom with the help from Barry so he wouldn't throw up in the hallway. Barry was carefully rubbing Oliver's back and shoulders as the caring friend he always was while the archer was busy throwing up a second time.
"Sorry, Ollie. And I don't think we have to worry because if there was any sort of romance in the air before... it's definitely gone now." The speedster joked in an attempt to light the mood and then he chuckled nervously at his own bad joke because Oliver didn't seem to find it funny and then Barry took a few steps back while he cleared his throat.
"Anyway if you need to shower and freshen up that's fine. I've left some of my stuff here so... you can just borrow them if you want." The younger hero said which caused his cheeks to flush red again before he left Oliver to freshen up in the bathroom. That was not smooth at all, he thought to himself.
As soon as Barry had left the bathroom a warm feeling washed over Oliver again as he thought about spending the night alone in a small apartment with Barry Allen and the idea of showering while the dork was just in the other room gave him inappropriate thoughts he knew he shouldn't have. He tried to shake them as he got out of his clothes and stepped into the shower.
In the meantime Barry found some of his clothes he'd left at Iris place in her bedroom drawer and rushed into one of his t-shirts and a pair of baggy gray shorts to sleep in before he rushed into the living room to make the couch ready for Oliver to sleep on. Because be damned if I make another stupid mistake that would make Oliver believe I was hitting on him and god forbid us sharing my girlfriend's bed. I am not that crazy, Barry thought while he prepared everything including a glass of water and some meds in case Oliver needed them later, if he woke up slightly hungover or something even if he wasn't that drunk.
"Did you happen to have any clothes I can borrow?" Oliver asked and Barry quickly spun around to face the sound of the familiar dark voice behind him. He found Oliver standing in the living room with nothing but a towel around his waist. Some water was still dripping from his dirty-blonde hair and Barry's mouth went completely dry and fell wide open at the sight in front of him. Oliver's scarred muscular chest completely on display. The speedster's eyes widened in surprise and he was suddenly unable to move and speak. People weren't exaggerating when they talked about the hotness of Oliver Queen. Right now he looked like he was fetched right from Barry's most inappropriate dirty fantasies, that he used to have early on when he had just met the handsome Vigilante, but he hadn't dared to think such thoughts in years. Okay maybe occasionally, but never in the archer's company.
"Earth to Barry. Did you have some clothes I can borrow and sleep in or do you prefer me sleeping naked?" Oliver asked because he found it amusing how Barry was staring at him with his mouth wide open and wide green eyes that wandered across his bare scarred chest. In any other case it would've made him uncomfortable to have a close friend look at him like that, not because he was against sleeping with guys, but because he didn't expect Barry's wide-eyed gaze to turn him on as much as it did. Even if he had finally realized what the other man meant to him during the past few days. And it looks like he might feel the same way about me considering the way he's staring right now, but then there's Iris and it's all so complicated, but right now I can only think about Barry's eyes on my body.
A few more quiet seconds passed until the speedster finally managed to find words again. "No I... um... yeah... of course... clothes...I probably have... um some clothes around here somewhere." Barry stuttered with his face as red as his super suit before he rushed back into Iris bedroom to find some clothes that could fit his handsome friend. He found another pair of baggy shorts, but the shirts I've left here wouldn't fit that incredibly sexy upper body Barry thought and then he had to slap some sense into himself before returning to the living room where he tried to avoid even looking at Oliver's shirtless body.
"I... um... only found a pair of shorts." Barry said as he tossed the shorts on the other man without looking his way because he couldn't stand that Greek-god-like-muscular-scarred- tattooed-chest and the feelings that body stirred up inside the younger man. "Because my t-shirts probably wouldn't fit you..." he murmured and then he did the mistake of looking up at the smiling half naked man in front of him. "...because damn you're hot." He instantly placed his head in his hands as soon as he heard those words coming out of his mouth. Oh god! I called my good friend hot after I basically asked him out and then I asked him to stay at my girlfriend's empty apartment with me. This night just keeps getting more mortifying. I didn't plan everything that happened, even if Iris had suggested that I should ask Oliver out to thank him. Because she obviously knows that I find him as attractive as she does, but it's still weird that she allows me to cheat with him. And then after what Oliver said outside that bar and whatever he's doing right now? Because it seems like he's trying to seduce me right now so he might be interested in me too and that would just complicate things even further and I don't want to ruin our amazing friendship with what could probably only be extremely hot sex.
Oliver interrupted Barry's thoughts with a chuckle at the blushing speedster's comment about him being hot before he turned around to put the shorts on and then he dropped the towel and Damn! Jesus Christ! Barry couldn't help but stare at the half naked man in front of him and he think he even gasped quietly as the towel fell to the floor, which he desperately hoped Oliver didn't hear.
"Barry, you're supposed to be the good hero and I can tell you're staring at me right now." The half naked archer stated while he slowly turned around to face the younger man with a wide grin on his face. Barry quickly tore his gaze away from that sexy body again and stared down at the floor instead.
"Sorry... I just can't help it... Even Iris loves to tease me every time we team up about how hot you are and sure I always knew you were handsome... because I have eyes." Oliver slowly approached Barry despite wearing nothing but a pair of Barry's baggy black shorts while the speedster was busy rambling nervously again. "But I've desperately been trying not to think about how... hot ... you ... are." While he was whispering those last words in the sentence the archer carefully joined his calloused fingers together with Barry's without interrupting him. He simply ate the younger man with his hungry gaze because that oversized white t-shirt and those baggy gray shorts looked very good on him.
"What are you doing?" Barry asked breathlessly since his heart skipped several beats while he looked down at their intertwined fingers instead of Oliver's sexy half naked body. He looks very good in nothing but those dark shorts, my own dark shorts. Fuck, that's just very hot, Barry thought.
"You asked me out. Then you asked me to stay here alone with you tonight... and I can't help but wonder if you and Iris planned this somehow? Is she staying out of our way on purpose so something can happen between us? Or am I that drunk that I just imagine such crazy things?" Oliver wondered out loud.
Barry blushed heavily and tried to avoid looking into those beautiful blue eyes while Oliver was asking him questions that were kinda all true. Iris had pushed for it for some reason because she didn't really see the serious catastrophic aftermath it could have to involve my handsome fellow superhero in something more than friendship. She just thought it would be something I needed to relax and stop worrying so much about my mistakes with Flashpoint and what can happen because of it and everything. And Ollie definitely makes me forget my problems... and words too apparently. Shit, get a grip Barry. "Um... maybe. She used to joke about cheating with you herself on her ex boyfriend... who went and died..." Barry paused for a second because he wasn't sure why he was telling Oliver this part and it made him blush heavily again. "Anyway... then when she heard how you defended me with everyone lately... she told me before we all went out to celebrate that... I um... should ask you out and um... thank you, you know. For not letting aliens abduct me and all. And if you said yes I was allowed to take my chance with Oliver Queen... her words... not mine." he explained everything as calmly as he could despite his racing heart and some stuttering along the way because Oliver was still holding his hand and once Barry's words faded out the other masculine calloused hand cupped his chin and forced Barry to look up and meet the archer's stern blue gaze. Those eyes were filled with a gleam that Barry only saw when they were teasing each other or when he was laughing.
"Actually, I should be the one thanking you, Barry. I know I'm not good with words or feelings... and I know I probably shouldn't be telling you this. We can just blame it on the alcohol later if you want, but I've been wanting to tell you something ever since yesterday..." Oliver started and then he released a sigh. "It was you."
Barry crinkled his eyebrows in confusion upon hearing Oliver's soft words while his calloused hand was still kept under his chin. "Me... what did I do?" the speedster asked with a voice that was almost nothing but a whisper.
"If I had stayed in that dreamworld the aliens put us through my parents, Tommy and Laurel would've been alive and I'd be happily married to the one that got away, Thea would've stayed too and I wouldn't have gone on that godforsaken boat trip with Sara, but just like you said earlier I didn't feel full in that world because something was missing, even after I had met Felicity and Diggle in there... and then Thea mentioned that the world had people like you and Kara now and that somehow snapped me back. You snapped me back, Barry." Oliver carefully removed his hand from Barry's face while he spoke. He could feel his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. He never thought he'd be able to utter these words out loud, but Barry deserved to know how he really felt about him even if it could ruin everything. Holding my feelings in about Felicity for too long didn't work out well and all my other relationships also crashed because I couldn't be honest with them or myself. I had to be honest with Barry. He deserved the truth.
Barry's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait? What? Me? The thought of me pulled you out of the illusion the dominators put you guys through?" Barry couldn't believe his ears. What the hell does this mean? Is Oliver Queen in love with me? No! That sounds too ridiculous. He's not into guys. Right? And definitely not someone like me. But in the midst of his panicked thoughts Barry noticed how Oliver nodded slowly with a very serious look on his face and now he was the one breaking the eye contact because he couldn't look at Barry in fear of rejection.
"I know telling you this is really really stupid because you got the girl and I'm sorry if this reveal might mess with that, but I could never be happy or full in a world where I didn't know you, Barry Allen. And I hope I never have to experience one."
Oliver had barely even finished his sentence before Barry slowly captured his lips in a soft and tender kiss that they both had been waiting for way too long. He was gentle despite the need that was bubbling up in his body and Oliver slowly wrapped his arms around the younger man and kissed him back hard in return with all the passion he'd been holding inside for the past three years.
Then he sighed against those soft lips before claiming them more urgently the second time while Barry drove a hand into Oliver's dirty blonde hair, that still wasn't completely dry, and he moaned softly against those rough lips as a tongue was added into his mouth. He wasn't used to kissing someone who was so eager and ate him out the way Oliver did and he wasn't used to the scruffy skin either, but it didn't feel weird. Not at all. It felt completely right to let Oliver dominate my mouth until our lips had to part so we could breathe.
"You know this can probably only be a one time thing, right?" Barry sighed breathlessly as their mouths parted and Oliver nodded before he pulled the younger man in for another drawn out kiss because he just needed the speedster right now. To hell with the consequences and what might happen tomorrow, he thought as their lips parted once again and they just held each other's gaze for a few seconds in complete silence.
Oliver brushed a thumb across Barry's lower lip as they continued to gaze into each other's eyes. The gesture caused Barry to let out a tiny gasp. "Okay, then let's make this one night count. I am going to take you apart until you scream my name in your girlfriend's bed so the next time you're with her, you will think about me whether you want to or not." Oliver's voice was filled with want as he nearly growled every word into Barry's ear which sent lovely chills through the speedster's body and caused him to vibrate slightly. Oliver raised his eyebrow when he noticed that because he took that as a minor speedster orgasm and it caused him to growl as he pressed a hungry kiss to Barry's sensitive neck.
While Oliver was sucking at the sweet spot on Barry's neck a part of him told him that this was an extremely bad idea, but he couldn't care enough to listen to his brain when the rest of his body just wanted Oliver to claim him and take him apart the way he just had promised. And another part of him just wanted to dominate the archer himself, but I doubt Oliver would let me call the shots. "Then do it. Tonight I'm all yours." Barry sighed with a breathless voice before a hungry mouth instantly claimed his own again.
Barry wrapped his arms tighter around those bare muscular shoulders as Oliver helped the younger man wrap his long legs around his waist so he could pick him up and carry him into the bedroom without breaking the intense kiss. Their hungry mouths didn't part until Oliver had thrown Barry down on the bed and then he stared down at the younger man with something animalistic in his gaze that caused the speedster to shiver again.
"I feel like this is just a fantasy and at any moment I'm going to wake up and feel very disappointed." Barry murmured and a heavy blush covered his face once again. Did I just admit I've had fantasies about this?
A smile crossed Oliver's face as if he could read Barry's thoughts. "We're gonna talk about you having dirty fantasies about me later... but first I think I need to show you...that this... is most definitely real." the older man said before he joined Barry on the bed who chuckled as his lips was claimed in a passionate kiss again. Another tongue mapped out his mouth while a pair of strong calloused hands slipped up under his t-shirt before it was tossed on the floor. Oliver grinned with pride as Barry gasped in surprise.
"I can't believe I'm gonna have sex with Oliver Queen." Barry said with a sigh before he flipped their positions so he was on top of the muscular vigilante instead and to his surprise Oliver didn't seem to mind. He just grinned at the lean shirtless man on top of him.
"I'm only letting you call the shots tonight because you need it as practice in how to lead which I've been pushing for lately." the grinning Vigilante said before he captured Barry's lips softly again. The speedster smiled as their lips parted and then he placed an open mouthed kiss to Oliver's scruffy neck before his lips continued to travel down his neck, to his collarbone and then further down where he stopped to circle his tongue around one of the archer's stiff nubs.
Oliver groaned at the amazing sensation which caused Barry to add some vibrations to his tongue around the other nipple. "Oh Barry!" Oliver moaned as the speedster's eager mouth and tongue continued doing wonders all over his chest before Barry decided to claim Oliver's mouth again. And then he added some vibrations to his tongue after letting Oliver playfully fight for dominance for a while, but the archer quickly gave up as soon as those vibrations started sending amazing chills through his body. It made his cock stir in his shorts. Barry's shorts. Fuck. Even hotter. The new but amazing kissing tactic caused Oliver to moan into Barry's mouth. "Oh god... I never want to make out with someone again if they can't do that..." he sighed with a wide grin on his face.
Barry smiled back before he started peppering kisses down Oliver's abs again, all the way down to the waistline of the borrowed shorts while his hands also travelled down the muscular scarred body very gently when they ran over old scars and burn marks.
At the same time Oliver allowed his hands to run down the lean runner body on top of him. Until his hands stopped on the small of the younger man's back.
Suddenly Barry hesitated with his hands on Oliver's thighs after he placed himself between those fit legs. "I've... um... never done this before so I might be terrible at it. Just a heads up." the speedster said insecurely with a nervous chuckle as he looked up at his handsome friend from between his legs and a mischievous grin crossed Oliver's lips at the wonderful and hot sight.
"I haven't been with another guy since way before the island and even then I was always high or drunk with Tommy. But I'm not even feeling buzzed from the beers anymore. Right now I feel way more buzzed because I'm in bed with a freaking human vibrator." he said with a deep sigh as he ran his hand into Barry's brown hair who chuckled again mixed with a soft sigh.
"And if it makes you any more secure then I think our friends already thought this was happening considering the way I supported you lately." Oliver said with a soft chuckle and Barry looked up and met those lust-filled blue eyes again.
"Did you have my back just to get into my pants?" The speedster asked with an eyebrow raised in seduction. Oliver's cheeks flushed red and that was adorable. The archer rarely blushes, but Barry always finds it adorable when he does.
Then without warning Barry rolled over on his back instead. Oliver groaned in disappointment. "What are you doing now?" he asked as Barry moved up next to him against the headboard.
"I want you to do it first." The reply was followed by a sneaky seductive smile that caused a shiver to run down Oliver's spine while he was shaking his head.
"I will, but only if you tell me one of your dirty fantasies about me." Oliver's comeback caused Barry to blush heavily again before he leaned in for another drawn out kiss.
"I'm living one right now... isn't that enough?" The younger man asked once their lips parted.
"Just tell me if any fantasy ever involved that mask you made me because it would be very hot if we both have been fantasizing about intense masked sex." Oliver said with a raised eyebrow while he ran his hands down Barry's body in a way that caused him to vibrate again. Especially when those calloused hands reached the waistline of the gray shorts and caused Barry to bite his lip.
"Oh I definitely have." the speedster sighed before he quickly struggled out of his shorts and then Oliver had to bite his lip before he started to give Barry's hard length a few gentle strokes that made him vibrate again and then he moaned and tossed his head back when Oliver closed his mouth around the tip of the speedster's erection. "Oh god... mmm Ollie." he moaned out loud and grabbed the sheets as the archer started to bob his head to take in more of that hard length. He'd barely even started before Barry spilled his load into Oliver's mouth.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Barry groaned after coming down from the incredible rush. "That's so embarrassing." he buried his face in his hands while he felt Oliver crawl up on him to remove his hands.
"No, I think it's hot. Do you know how many guys who wished they could come over and over without a refraction period?" The older hero asked before he placed a kiss on Barry's lips again. The speedster moaned because he could taste himself on those swollen warm lips. Then he pulled back.
"I want you to ride me now, Barry." Oliver sighed a few inches from Barry's parted and swollen lips.
"Really?" The speedster asked in surprise and the archer nodded.
"Like I said earlier, you can take this night as a lesson in how to lead and dominate." Oliver said and had to bite his lip again because the thought turned him on so much.
A seductive smile crossed Barry's face. "Prepare me, then, Mr Queen." he sighed and reached for the lube on the nightstand. I had no idea that was there until I entered the bedroom earlier. Iris must've gotten it. I really have a crazy girlfriend, crazy but so amazing. I'll have to thank her later.
Oliver dipped his fingers in lube and started to carefully work Barry's hole open. Watching him moan and writhe under my touch was the hottest experience of my life. While finger fucking the speedster they were sloppily kissing and Barry started tugging at Oliver's shorts before he scattered them on the floor. Then he started to give him a few firm strokes. "Oh god, Barry. Please, wait." the archer was a moaning mess and Barry felt a sense of pride. I never thought I'd make Oliver Queen beg in bed.
"Ollie, I think I'm ready. I wanna ride you now." Barry moaned before he swapped their positions so he was on top of the muscular body again. He carefully started to lower himself down on Oliver's hard length and it did sting a bit at first. It was a very unusual sensation. But not a bad one. And as soon as he was seated on Oliver's hard dick the pain disappeared.
"You okay?" Oliver asked with his hands on Barry's thighs.
The speedster nodded. "It feels so good." he moaned and then he started to bounce carefully up and down.
The both of them quickly turned into groaning, moaning messes of pleasure as Barry picked up his speed while riding Oliver as his life depended on it. "Ollie... I'm close. You close?" the speedster cried out and Oliver could just nod.
"Come for me." Oliver sighed and started rubbing Barry while he was picking up his pace on top of him.
They ended up climaxing at the same time and gasped each other's names out loud. After riding out their highs Barry dropped down next to Oliver who was breathing heavily. "Shit... that was amazing." the archer sighed and Barry chuckled.
"Really, truly fantastic." The younger man said with a blissful sigh and rolled up on his side to press a kiss against Oliver's scruffy neck.
"Wanna do it again?" Barry asked teasingly and the archer broke into a chuckle.
"Well, if so you're gonna have to work me up again." Oliver replied with a wink and Barry raised an eyebrow at the challenge.
"Oh I'm pretty quick you know?" the speedster was quick to remark and before Oliver knew it Barry had slipped down between his legs and started to give the archer's softening dick a few licks then he started vibrating his mouth around the cock in his mouth which caused Oliver to gasp and start pulling at Barry's sweaty brown hair. Just like that he was hard again.
"My god... shit Barry." The moans from the archer's wide open mouth caused Barry's cock to twitch too and he picked up his sucking and licking. It didn't take much longer until Oliver had spilled his load into Barry's mouth who swallowed every drop and then licked his lips seductively as he crawled up on the muscular body again. Oliver moaned as he was breathing heavily, still coming down from the incredible high. He placed a hand around the back of Barry's neck and pulled him in for a heated kiss.
"I should've asked you out a long time ago." Barry said with a chuckle when their lips parted again.
"I would've said no because I'm so stubborn and then I'd ask you out instead." Oliver said with a big smile spreading across his face. I don't think I can ever stop smiling.
Barry rolled down from Oliver and cuddled up on his arm instead. "Ollie, we'll be fine after this right?" he asked carefully as he was suddenly filled with worry looking at his hot friend who was staring up at the ceiling.
"Of course. Why wouldn't we be? I used to be the master of casual hook ups." Oliver responded and tossed a glance at Barry. Internally he was freaking out. I'm falling more and more in love with him the more time I spend with him. This was a horrible idea. Horrible but amazing.
"Ollie?" Barry asked again as he noticed the distant look on Oliver's face.
"What do you want me to say, Barry? Leave Iris, run away with me, let's forget about our cities and friends and responsibilities and just live happily ever after? I couldn't do that to you or to myself." Oliver sighed and started to get out of the bed.
"Where are you going? It's the middle of the night." Barry asked and was dressed in his shorts and out of the bed before Oliver had time to take another step. The archer sighed and grabbed the borrowed shorts and pulled them back on.
"I'll sleep on the couch." Oliver murmured.
Barry sighed and grabbed his friend's hands. "I'm sorry, Ollie, for making everything so complicated. You do know I care so much about you and I really wish we could be together if it wasn't for everything you just said. Iris, our cities and all the crazy." He talked calmly and Oliver managed to look up and meet his green eyes. "But come on now, let's not fight tonight, let's just go back to bed and just pretend we're together for one perfect night." the speedster added and Oliver nodded with a tiny smile slowly growing bigger on his lips.
They crawled under the covers after Barry had quickly turned over the sheets that he'd change completely in the morning. Then he cuddled up in Oliver's arms again and he sighed but not in protest. It was a sigh of relief to be entangled with Barry for just one night. He placed a gentle kiss to the younger man's forehead.
"Since we're just pretending... can I tell you something without you freaking out?" Oliver started and Barry nodded slowly and looked up to meet those blue eyes. They were sparkling. "I love you, Barry Allen. I love you so much that I can't stand you most of the time." Barry's heart dropped in his chest. Oliver's words were so genuine and he couldn't break his heart.
"I love you too, Oliver Queen. I've loved you since the first day we met. But don't ever tell Iris that." Oliver crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. He wasn't pretending either. The realization sank in and Oliver couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. The kiss was soft and sweet and caused their toes to curl.
"Maybe this secret love can work out after all? You know if we never tell anyone. And I know you love Iris, even if you feel something for me too and I could never break you apart. But I'm happy just being your dirty mistress." Oliver said with a smile and a smile crossed Barry's face too.
"Okay. But I will have to tell Iris, but heck she had you on her cheating list first and she even wanted me to go on this date with you. I think we can work this out too." the speedster rambled excitedly and Oliver's smile grew on his face. He intertwined his fingers with Barry's and leaned in for another kiss.
When their lips parted it didn't take long for them to drift to sleep with big smiles on their faces, wrapped in each other's arms.The next morning when Barry woke up he quickly got around to make breakfast before he decided to call Iris and tell her the news. Hopefully she doesn't kill me.
"Hey, Iris. Good morning." Barry said happily and he could almost hear Iris smiling on the other line.
"Good morning, babe. How was your night? Did you guys have fun?" His girlfriend asked sneakily and Barry chuckled nervously.
"Actually, don't get mad, but yes Ollie and I did sleep together. And then we talked and um... apparently he loves me and I might've told him that I love him too. But that I still love you too of course and he didn't want to break us up either and I definitely don't want that. But he's okay with just being my lover. If you're okay with that of course. Because..." Barry was rambling until Iris chuckle cut him off.
"Barry, slow down for a second and let me process everything you just said. Oliver Queen loves you?" Iris asked and Barry had to sit down on a kitchen chair.
"Yeah." he replied quietly and anticipated the worst. "I get it if you don't even want me to team up with him anymore, but I'd be lying if I hadn't said it back. Iris, you know I'll always love you. But when I first met him..." Barry sighed and paused. He stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on him.
"Barry, I'm not mad at you and I love you and if he loves you too then he's just got good taste." Iris said and laughed which made Barry laugh too. "As long as you're sure of this and it would make you happy, then I'm okay with sharing you with Oliver Queen." she said.
Barry's face lit up. "Oh my god, Iris! You're amazing, when I see you today I'm going to thank you properly. I love you so much. You're the best girlfriend in the entire multiverse!" the excitement of her boyfriend made Iris chuckle on the other line.
"I love you too. Now go take care of your lover and tell him the good news." Barry's supportive girlfriend said.
After Barry hung up the phone he had to make sure the waffles, pancakes and the coffee were still warm and they were so he carried the tray into the bedroom just in time for Oliver waking up. A big smile crossed his face at the sight of Barry wearing his own shirt from last night and holding a tray with breakfast on it.
"Good morning." Oliver said and Barry sent him a smile as he put the tray on the bed and kneeled next to his lover to give him a good morning kiss.
"Morning, Ollie. And I just talked to Iris. She's fine with sharing me with you so maybe I should be saying 'Good morning, my lover'." Barry revealed when their lips parted.
An even bigger smile grew on Oliver's face. "If someone had asked me back when I first met you that I'd one day be your dirty side piece then I'd probably would've shot them for their stupidity." Oliver joked and Barry couldn't help but laugh. I love that laugh. And now he's half mine. I can't believe how I suddenly became so lucky.
Oliver pulled Barry in for another passionate kiss before they started enjoying their first breakfast together.Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this story. My Westallen & Olivarry heart really had to make this compromise. Barry would never break Oliver's heart and he could never leave Iris either. And Iris would cheat with Oliver herself so she's okay with Olivarry.

Olivarry short stories
FanfictionIn this collection I write independent short stories for Olivarry. Sometimes with other characters as well. But mostly Olivarry. There's both fluffy stories and some steamy ones.