Chapter 8 - Thanksgiving

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Wayne Manor November 25th 18:30
The annual Wayne family thanksgiving dinner was being held in the Manor this year after being in Dicks house two years prior and the Wayne-Kent house the year prior. Alfred was in the kitchen with Selina cooking while Bruce set the table. The first to arrive were Dick, Kori and Mar'i then Tim and Steph, followed by Helena and Zack, Cass, Damian and Jon, Jason, Clark and Lois and finally Barbara.

"Kori where's Mar'i" Dick asked

"You had her" Kori answered

"Did I" Dick asked

"Did you lose her" Kori exclaimed

"Guys what's wrong" Helena asked entering the room they were in

"Dick lost Mar'i" Kori answered

"Really cause Damian has her downstairs after she was left on the couch" Helena stated

The three headed downstairs where Damian was rocking and bouncing the child up and down on his lap.

"You shouldn't leave babies lying around Grayson" Damian stated

"It was an accident" Dick replied

"I'll take her" Kori said

"Here you go" Damian replied standing up

"Now let's go feed you" Kori said leaving with her

"Grayson keep an eye on your child from now on" Damian said walking past him

Damian left the room and headed into the kitchen where Selina and Lois were talking while Alfred was seasoning the vegetables and turkey.

"Ahh Damian I haven't had a chance to say hello yet" Selina said hugging him

"I just came to see if any assistance was required in here" Damian replied

"No Master Damian we are nearly finished" Alfred responded

"Great" Damian said turning

"Not so fast" Selina said

"Yes" Damian asked

"You haven't been up in a while what's going on" Selina asked

"And you and Jon haven't been up to us recently either" Lois stated

"We've been busy" Damian replied

"Doing what, come on you used to talk to me everyday when you lived here and you visited most weekends and now nothing" Selina said

"We have just had things to do but if you want I can try visit every weekend" Damian replied

"I would like that" Selina said

"Okay I'm going to join everyone else in the main room" Damian said leaving

"I swear he is more mysterious and secretive then Bruce" Lois said

"He is, it's his Mother's influence" Selina replied

"A terrible influence at that" Alfred stated

"Jon told me that Damian was upset and shaken after Talia came back and after he arrested her" Lois said

"She is his Mother, and he used to talk about how he had hope for her but after she used the Lazarus pit that hope vanished" Alfred replied

"Well I think it's time to plate up and eat" Selina suggested

The three began to bring the plates and food out to the dining room where the others began getting seated. Once they sat, Bruce who was at the head of the table began to say thanks before they all sat down and began eating. After they finished eating Lois, Damian, Selina, Alfred and Jason began cleaning up the dishes while the others headed to the living room.

"Okay what about that time where you made Helena believe the Manor was haunted and you and Damian went around during the night to enforce that idea" Dick said

"That wasn't cruel that was funny" Tim replied

"It wasn't for me, it was terrifying and Damian took it too far" Helena said exclaimed

"Wait what did Damian do" Tim asked

"You don't know" Helena said

"This is going to be interesting" Jason replied

"What is" Damian asked entering

"I don't know what or how they got into the topic but they are talking about when you and Tim made Helena believe the Manor was haunted" Jon answered

"Oh you mean when I did that thing" Damian said

"Do you want to tell it" Helena asked

"Nah you can" Damian said trying not to laugh

"So one night I had gone to bed early and I woke up when I heard a shuffling in my closet so I got up and grabbed what was it again" Helena asked

"Your bedside lamp" Damian replied

"Yeah and walked toward the closet and opened it and it was just Titus so I shrugged it off and turned around and there was a glowing figure in my window and I screamed" Helena said

"That's when I came in" Bruce stated

"Yeah and you check everywhere and there was nothing" Helena replied

"That's right I thought you were just imagining what Damian and Tim were telling you" Bruce said

"So what happened then" Clark asked genuinely intrigued

"The next parts the best" Damian smirked

"So I went back to sleep until something fell over and I woke but when I turned to the opposite side of the bed there was a masked figure holding a dripping knife and again I screamed and this time you, Mom and Tim came running in and the figure vanished" Helena stated

"Wait you mean this one" Damian replied turning on a hologram

"Yes that one" Helena said

"I rigged these all around the Manor but after what happened next I never got to use them" Damian replied

"Well anyway because I was terrified I went to bed with you and Mom but then again I woke screaming because the figure was at the end of the bed with a bloody knife and my head, the lights were turned on and Damian was there laughing" Helena exclaimed

"That was great until you gave out to me" Damian stated

"You scared your sister half to death" Bruce exclaimed

"But it was funny" Damian said

"If I'm correct I got most of the blame" Tim stated

"That's because you started it" Selina said from the doorway with Lois and Alfred behind her

"Well I continued it because while we were doing Damian wasn't trying to kill me" Tim stated

"Aww someone needed my approval" Damian exclaimed

"I didn't I just didn't want to die in my sleep" Tim replied

"I remember that time, that was the one time you guys got along we all thought something was wrong" Dick said

"There was, they were terrifying me" Helena stated

The families continued talking for an hour or so before people started leaving the Manor and heading home. The last to leave were Clark and Lois who stayed a bit longer to catch up with Bruce and Selina without the capes and masks and just as normal people.

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