Chapter 15 - Final Fight

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March 6th Metropolis 06:30am
While the city lay silent a giant hole opened in the force field and the skull ship and the armada entered through it and docked over the city as Parademon and Coluan Robots came down and lined up one after another preparing for the invasion that was about to ensue. Jon, Damian and Clark were the first on the scene since they lived in Metropolis.

"What do we do, this is a lot more then we expected" Jon asked

"We fight, we do what we trained for" Damian replied

"And don't die" Clark stated

"That's a good plan" Jon said

They got ready to fight but before they did Damian pulled him into a kiss

"Don't" Jon said

"Don't what" Damian asked

"Don't kiss me like it's the last time" Jon answered

"Then make sure it's not" Damian said

"That's a two way street" Jon stated

"I know" Damian replied

The three positioned themselves and waited for their moment to strike, which came when the armies began charging and they charged at them in response. Jon and Clark tore threw them at speed and Damian ran at them slicing threw them and jumping and vaulting over them. But then the attacking stopped and the three materialised on Brainiacs ship in restraints.

"You three ruined everything for me" Brainiac stated

"And we will do it again" Damian spat

"No you won't, your going to watch as your world burns and your friends and families die from here and then I'll kill you one by one finishing with the Boy of Steel because he has the most to lose" Brainiac exclaimed

"Hey Brainiac use your brain next time you kidnap someone" Kara exclaimed as she flew into his back

"And don't be so arrogant, arrogance loses fights" Diana stated

"So I will have some action" Brainiac said

Kara and Brainiac charged at each other creating a small but present shockwave in the air as their fists collided, Diana freed the three and ordered them back to Earth to join the fight her and Kara would deal with the Coluan. Diana then went for his back but the tendrils came out and she fought them as Kara fought him. Both women were hit and sent flying to Brainiac Diana seemed unconscious as she didn't get up or move so he went straight back to fighting the girl of steel.

"Why do you resist" Brainiac asked

"Because it's what's right, and we fight for what's right" Kara said

"Well you won't win...Oh I see I should have been thinking, you have beaten me but you will not win" Brainiac said as he fell to the ground with Diana's sword lodged in his head

"You couldn't have done that sooner" Kara asked

"I could have, I didn't want to kill him but it was the only way" Diana replied

"I know, I wish there was another" Kara stated

"So do I, now may I say you are stronger then your cousin" Diana exclaimed

"People don't say that enough" Kara laughed

"Let's get Cyborg up here to dismantle that force field" Diana said

"Let's" Kara stated taking off

Darkseid had joined his forces on the ground after Brainiac's robots began going offline after his death, this angered Darkseid as it was t meant to happen but he still hoped for success. People were fighting all around him, they he saw Damian fighting alongside others against the furies and he picked him as his target and he fired his Omega beam

"DAMI!" Jon exclaimed

Damian turned and saw the beam and braces for impact but he wasn't hit, when he opened his eyes Talia lay in front of him he rushed to her and held her in his arms

"Don't you dare die, Mother I didn't mean what I said yesterday and I'm sorry for everything" Damian stated hiding his tears

"My boy, you did what was right and although I didn't agree you did the right thing" Talia replied

"Mother you can't die not here not now, remember we used to talk about how we would rule the world together let's do that, let's rule the world" Damian said

"Damian, I was a terrible Mother and you weren't the ideal son. But you were the best I could have had and you deserved better" Talia said placing a hand on his cheek before it dropped

"Mother, no open your eyes, Mother your not dying" Damian said crying into her chest

Bruce raced over and saw his son breakdown right in front of him, he placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him which caused Damian's head to perk up. He grabbed Talia's sword and marched towards Darkseid and Desaad. He grabbed Desaad from beside Darkseid and everyone watched as he slit Desaad's throat. He then charged at Darkseid before being hit back towards his Mother and he landed unconscious beside her.

Jon's eyes began glowing red with rage and he flew directly at the New God from above and pushed him deep into the Earths crust before he was grabbed and dragged back up through the Earth and thrown like a bowling ball and other heroes who acted like pins.

"Clark we need to finish this" Bruce said

"How?" Clark asked

"We may have to kill him" Fate said

"No killing unless necessary" Bruce exclaimed

"I may have a way" Raven said

They heard Raven out and agreed on a plan, Jon and Raven went to Apokolips first then a boom tube was opened to the planet sucking the Parademons, Robots, ships and other attackers through, except Darkseid who stood his ground. Clark, Kara, Kon, Diana, Donna and Cassie all flew at him and repeatedly punched him over and over until he was half way through the boom tube and then Doctor Fate gave him a push. Once on the planet Raven released her father and her and Jon teleported back to Earth, Cyborg had installed a counter measure onto the skull ship which was in the planet and it opened a Boom Tube that sucked all of Apokolips through it, it didn't bring them anywhere as it lead to nowhere, and the two mad gods one old and one new, Darkseid and Trigon would fight for eternity in the realm of nothing which is located nowhere.

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