Chapter 20 - A Year Later

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Wayne Manor July 6th 2026 12:45
The entire Batfamily and Superfamily had been gathered in the Manor by Damian and Jon but they had yet to arrive. The families were sitting around talking trying to guess why they had been gathered but no one could guess what it was.

"I hate this I'm bored" Jason sighed

"They won't be much longer" Selina said

"Yeah but if they say be here for 12:30 then they should be here" Tim stated

"This is my brother we are talking about, he gave us an earlier time so we would be here" Helena said rocking her baby in her arms

"I believe I hear them, however I shall go check" Alfred stated

Alfred stood up from his armchair and walked towards the door and out into the Hallway, they heard him clapping his hands before returning to the door

"May I introduce to you Master Thomas Wayne-Kent and Mistress Elinor Wayne-Kent" Alfre announced as Damian and Jon entered holding a baby each

"No way, I finally have grand babies" Lois exclaimed standing up

"Wow, Demon Spawn has his own spawn now" Jason stated

"Who wants to hold a child while I kill Todd" Damian asked

"Dami" Jon exclaimed

"I'll hold her" Lois said

Damian handed the child over to Lois while Jon sat beside her holding the other.

"Why didn't you two tell us about this" Dick asked

"We wanted it to be a big surprise" Damian replied

"Well it certainly is" Bruce exclaimed

"They are so adorably precious" Selina said

"Wanna hold him?" Jon asked

"Yes I would" Selina replied as Jon stood up to hand over Thomas

"Well then is that all you wanted us for" Jason asked

"Jason!" Bruce exclaimed

"Yes it was" Damian replied

They say around for a while before it was just Alfred, Bruce, Selina, Lois, Clark, Jon, Damian and the twins left in the Manor. Each of the parents held the twins and talked before Damian and Jon took the twins and headed out of the Manor and too the car.

"That was successful" Damian said strapping Elinor into the car seat

"I wholeheartedly agree" Jon said strapping Thomas in and wiping his face with the bib

"He drools like you" Damian stated

"I don't drool" Jon replied

"Yes you do, when your asleep it's adorable but disgusting" Damian said getting into the drivers seat of the car

"At least it's adorable" Jon said getting into his seat

"At least it is" Damian said starting the engine and driving off

They drove out of the gateway and down the winding road towards the city

"Your driving slower the your usual speed and you did as well this morning" Jon stated

"There are children in the back I'm not going to be speeding" Damian replied

"I never thought I'd see you being careful" Jon said

"Yeah I'm being careful now, but I bought two small steel swords for them to use when they begin training when they turn two" Damian said

"We are not, and I repeat are not giving our children swords" Jon exclaimed

"Why not, I'm fine and I was given swords" Damian replied

"Your childhood is not one to pass on to any other children" Jon stated

"It wasn't so bad" Damian replied

"It was terrible" Jon stated

"From your viewpoint, and many others but that's beside the point I wouldn't be the way I am without it" Damian replied

"Ohh I know" Jon said kissing his cheek

They continued driving until they arrived at the house and Damian parked, Damian grabbed Elinor in her seat while Jon grabbed Thomas in his seat and they walked inside and set them on the couch and picked them up.

"Who's Daddy's little princess" Damian said tickling Ellie's stomach as she giggles

"Your picking favourites" Jon stated rocking Tommy

"And your not" Damian replied

"No I'm just making it equal" Jon said

"Sure you are, now watch them I'm going to prepare the bottles" Damian stated

"Okay come here little one" Jon said taking Ellie and sitting her beside Tommy

Jon had the twins sitting beside each other on the couch and Jon stood back and took out his phone and took pictures of the twins on the couch and then moved down beside them so they wouldn't fall until Damian walked in.

"Since you think I'm doing favourites you feed Ellie, and I'll feed Tommy" Damian stated

"Okay, just because you suggested this doesn't mean your not playing favourites" Jon stated picking Ellie up and taking the bottle

"In my head it does, so we are going to go with that" Damian replied picking up Tommy and sitting down

"Well it's not in mine" Jon said

"Okay your entitled to that opinion, now look at that who's a good boy drinking his bottle" Damian stated

"He's also good at spitting it back up afterwards" Jon stated

"He won't do that today, you won't spit all over Daddy now would you" Damian asked the baby who continued drinking the bottle

"I'm still baffled by how good you are with them and how bad you are with people" Jon said

"So am I beloved, so am I" Damian replied

They sat their talking while feeding the twins, when they finished feeding the twins they headed upstairs to the nursery and put them in their cots before turning the lights off and going to their bed.

"Goodnight Dami" Jon said kissing him

"Night my love" Damian replied as he lay down on his chest

As Damian fell asleep Jon drew circles on his back with his finger while staring at the ceiling before he eventually began to close his eyes and drift off to sleep. They however did not sleep through the night as the twins woke up at several different moments during the night, usually taking it in turns one after the other through the whole nights.

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