Chapter 17 - Grayson

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April 20th Blüdhaven 12:45
It was a cool sunny afternoon and Dick and Kori were walking through the streets of the city with Mar'i in the baby buggy that Dick was pushing. They made their way back to their apartment building and made their way up to their floor when they discovered their door was open, Dick gave the buggy to Kori and entered first.

"Hello" Dick called

There wasn't a response

"Kori maybe we forgot to lock it" Dick said

"Maybe" Kori replied still with worry

She entered and closed the door behind her, she then sat on the couch and played with Mar'i while Dick was looking through some stuff on the counter.

"Grayson you didn't do a very good job checking your home" Damian spat emerging from the shadows

"Jesus Christ, Damian. It's nice to see you out and about but you could have called, what do you want" Dick said after jumping

"I need you to house watch for the next two months, myself and Kent are going away" Damian replied

"Where too?" Kori asked

"Can't say because then people can find us" Damian replied

"Great your going off the grid" Dick said

"Grayson I need to get away from Gotham, Metropolis and Robin. I need a break" Damian stated

"I understand, and of course I'll do it" Dick said

"Great here's the key, bye" Damian said leaving

"Well he was a pleasure as always" Kori stated

"It's Damian, he's just different" Dick replied

"Ohh I know" Kori said

Dicks phone began ringing it, he answered it and hung up after thirty seconds

"Sorry Kori, I have to go into work" Dick exclaimed

"I thought you had the day off" Kori sighed

"I'll be back as early as I can be, but three bodies just turned up and apparently not a pretty sight" Dick said

"Okay be careful, say bye to Daddy" Kori said waving Mar'i's hand at Dick

"Bye Mar'i, I'll call you when I'm coming home" Dick said kissing her

"Bye" Kori replied as he left

Dick ran down the stairs and got into his car and raced off towards the crime scene, once he arrived he got out of the car and walked down towards the rest of the Blüdhaven Police Department, when he got closer he saw the three bodies each torn apart and blood all over the place.

"It's obvious who did this, right?" Amy Rohrbach exclaimed

"Who do you think" Philip Addad asked

"Killer Croc" Amy replied

"And I'd have to agree with that assessment" Dick said

"Detective Grayson" Philip said

"Chief, Officer" Dick acknowledged

"Sorry to call you in, but based off your past experience in Gotham we believe your the best for this case" Philip said

"Of course Chief but what exactly do you want me to do" Dick asked

"I want you and Officer Rohrbach to assemble a strike team and hunt Waylon Jones down" Philip ordered

"Yes sir" Amy replied

"Let's get this over with, I have to get home" Dick stated

Dick and Officer Amy Rohrbach headed to the SWAT vans and put on their gear, grabbed flashlights and ammunition as well as assembling a team. They had their standard issue G22's while the SWAT Team carried their assault rifles. They went down past the bodies and into the drain pipes and into the sewers, they moved as a group on the driest part of sewer to avoid any water, until they came to a split in the tunnel systems and they split into two teams and went separate directions but they went around in a circle and bumped into the other team.

"Where is he?" Dick asked

"He's near it smells like it" Amy replied

"I know, it smells like a pile of rotting bodies" Dick said

Just them Croc grabbed two SWAT members and dragged them into the water and they shot into the water as it filled with blood. They stopped and then the giant Crocodile jumped from the water and started ripping through them, most of them ran but Dick remained and ran past him and Croc followed him. Dick hid but Croc could smell him and grabbed him.

"Hey Croc, want a mint" Dick asked

"I'm going to enjoy this" Croc replied

"So no mint" Dick laughed

"Your scent, is familiar" Croc stated

"Why you smelling me, have you heard of consent" Dick asked kicking his face

"Arghh" Croc screamed charging him

Dick grabbed an escrima stick from his back and held it out and turned on the electricity as he held it up and it went in Croc's mouth electrocuting him. Dick then hit him and kicked his face before grabbing his radio from his hip and signalled for the teams to come back and bring Croc out of the sewer.

"How did you do that?" Amy asked

"Lucky I guess" Dick replied scratching his head

"You get lucky a lot" Amy remarked

"What can I say" Dick laughed

They left the sewer and met with Chief Addad

"Good work Detective, you too Officer" Philip said

"Well I must be off" Dick replied

"What about the paperwork" Amy asked

"I'll do it tomorrow, I made plans and was supposed to be off today" Dick replied

"Go home, tell Kori and the little one I said hi" Philip said

"Will do Chief" Dick said getting in his car and driving home

Dick drove at high speed to get home as fast as possible, he parked the car and ran up the stairs and headed to the door and opened it. He walked in and found Kori playing with Mar'i on the floor while one of the children's channels played on the TV in the background.

"I'm home" Dick exclaimed

"Look Daddy's home" Kori said lifting Mar'i up and she began giggling

"I missed you too" he said taking Mar'i from Kori

"So why'd you have to go in" Kori asked

"Killer Croc was hiding in the sewers he left three bodies outside and there was definitely more inside" Dick said tickling Mar'i's stomach

"Well are we still on for dinner" Kori asked

"Yeah, Tim and Steph will be here in forty minutes to look after our little princess" Dick replied

Dick remained with Mar'i while Kori went to get ready and when she came out Dick went and got cleaned up before Tim and Steph arrived and were welcomed in and they sat with Mar'i while Kori and Dick left the house and went out for a date night.

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