Chapter 9 - Freeze

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Gotham Outskirts 12:45 December 14th
Damian arrived up to the from of the Thomas and Martha Wayne Psychiatric Facility. He got out of his car and walked to the front desk where Warden Aaron Cash was talking with the secretary and two of the security guards. He walked right up to the desk and gained there attention.

"Mr.Wayne-Kent, your here to see him aren't you" Aaron asked

"Yes I am Warden did Ms.Wallis not call ahead" Damian replied

"No she didn't" Aaron said

The phone began ringing

"Hello this is the Thomas and Martha Wayne Psychiatric Facility how can we help you" the secretary stated

"Ah Ms.Wallis he has already arrived and standing right in front of me" she said

The secretary then hung up the phone and saw Damian's look of displeasure he was then shown through the facility and down to one of the consultation rooms.

"Victor Fries, or do you prefer Mister Freeze or maybe Freeze?" Damian asked

"Anything is fine, Damian Wayne that is who you are" Freeze replied

"Is the temperature in here to your liking" Damian asked

"Yes it's fine, now what do you want" Freeze asked

"So getting right to it, I was hoping for that. Now you were brought in here because you attacked a Wayne Enterprises Laboratory is this what you were looking for" Damian asked placing a vial on the table

"Yes it could help my Nora, where is she" Freeze replied

"Your wife is in one of our facilities being cared for and yes this could help but giving it right to her could kill her" Damian stated

"So what do you want" Freeze asked

"I want your mind" Damian answered

"My mind" Freeze said confused

"Yes Wayne Tech and Wayne Labs is looking into new treatments and medicines dealing with cryogenic procedures, and I want to utilise your expertise" Damian replied

"Your using my wife to get me to work for you, I thought Wayne's had high moral compasses" Freeze stated

"No I'm not actually, I have a team working on a cure and it will be administered to her and I'm offering you the opportunity to be there when she wakes up" Damian stated

"I'm listening" Freeze said

"Good read through these papers it's a job offer to work for Wayne Tech cryogenics, if you take it I can get you out of here but you will have to wear a tracking device at all times and have weekly checkups with me or a parole officer until you are deemed safe in society" Damian replied

"When do you need my answer and when will my wife wake up" Freeze asked

"I'll be back in two days or if you have it earlier the Warden will call me and your wife if we stay on track she will wake up in four days" Damian answered

"Then I don't need to think I'll take it" Freeze exclaimed

"You haven't read it" Damian said

"I'll do anything to be with my Nora, you are married based off that ring would you not do anything for her" Freeze replied

"For him, and no there is nothing I wouldn't do for him" Damian stated

"Then you know why I don't need to read it" Freeze replied

"Good, I purchased your and Nora's old house for you to return to and a car. Someone will be around tomorrow to bring you home and this is something just for you" Damian said placing something on the table

"What is this" Freeze asked

"It's a cure for your condition if you want it, you'll be able to go out without that suit and you won't need sub zero temperatures to survive" Damian answered

"Thank you, thank you for all of this Mister Wayne how can I ever repay you" Freeze asked

"All I need from you is one hundred percent from you when you work for me" Damian replied

"And you will get it" Freeze said

"Goodbye and welcome aboard Doctor Fries" Damian said leaving

Damian left the room and headed back to the front desk where he was stopped by Aaron before he left

"So" Aaron asked

"Mister Freeze won't be a threat to Gotham anymore" Damian replied

"Can you do that with them all" Aaron joked

"The only two I could think of is Quinn and Isley, with their expertise in psychology and botany" Damian replied

"I was joking, but I can tell you don't want them" Aaron said

"Not right now but maybe in the future, bye Warden Cash" Damian replied

"Goodbye Mr.Wayne-Kent" Aaron said as Damian walked through the door

Damian left the facility and got into his car and sped off down the long driveway and towards the Manor. When he arrived he knocked on the door and Alfred answered.

"Master Damian, it's later then usual we almost thought you weren't coming" Alfred said

"I had an engagement" Damian replied entering

"Well Mistress Kyle and Master Bruce are in the garden pruning the flowers against my orders they wanted to give it a try" Alfred said

"I wouldn't dare touch your flowers Pennyworth you care for them too much" Damian smirked

"You are wise beyond your years Master Damian" Alfred responded

Alfred went to the kitchen to make tea while Damian went to the garden and knocked on the greenhouse door startling the two adults.

"Damian you made it" Selina exclaimed

"It's good to see you" Bruce followed

"Sorry I'm late I had a job to do" Damian replied

"So we have a talking subject this week, what were you doing" Selina asked

"I got Freeze to come work for me and we made a deal so that he would be there when we cured his wife and I gave him a cure for his condition. So no more Mister Freeze only Doctor Freeze" Damian replied

"You got a supervillain to work for you" Bruce stated

"He was never really a villain, he did everything he did out of love if Nora Fries wasn't sick Gotham and the world would never had met Mister Freeze" Damian replied

"Very well played Master Damian, another criminal gone into retirement" Alfred said coming out

They continued for two hours before Damian left the Major and got into his car and raced off down the road and out of Gotham towards one of Metropolis's suburbs where he entered his house to the aroma of food, he walked into the kitchen to find Jon cooking and covered in splashes of food. Damian walked up behind him and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before helping him to cook.

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