Chapter 25 - Legacy

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December 31st Wayne-Kent House 11pm
The twins and David were in their onesies on the couch watching the TV with the fire lit with Mar'i, Oliver and Sophie. Damian and Jon were in the kitchen with Helena, Zack, Dick and Kori talking trying not to fall asleep before the New Year arrived.

"Okay so what's your favourite New Year's Eve or Day memory" Dick asked

"Probably the last one I had with my grandparents we stayed up on the farm all night playing games" Jon replied

"That's so sweet, mine was when myself and Todd set fireworks off in Drakes bedroom while he slept" Damian stated

"Of course it is, mine was Dick you remember the year you bought us all the matching onesies and you even got Alfred and Father into them" Helena said

"Same that's my favourite" Dick stated

"That was annoying" Damian replied

"Kori?" Dick asked

"The first one on Earth with the Titans it was very fun and the first time I stayed up all night and the first time we kissed" Kori said looking at Dick

"Aww" Jon and Helena said

"Zackary?" Damian asked

"I don't know, this one watching all of them get along together" Zack replied looking in at the kids

"They are so much better then us, not fighting that is" Damian stated

"If I'm not mistaken you caused most of not every argument" Helena said

"Agreed" Dick and Kori replied

"Kent you don't do you" Damian asked

"Because I'm scared for my life I agree with you babe" Jon said kissing him

"Jon blink twice if you need help" Helena joked

"You've been making that joke since we were teenagers and it's never been funny" Damian exclaimed

"I think it is" Helena replied

"Dad can I have coffee, I'm tired" David asked

"No coffee, not until your at least sixteen because it stunts growth and you don't want be short like your father" Jon said

"I heard that" Damian stated as everyone laughed

"But I want to stay up" David replied

"Go nap and we will wake you for the countdown then" Jon exclaimed

"Fine" David said leaving the room

"I'm going to get you back for that short remark" Damian stated

"Sorry was it too low a blow" Jon replied trying not to laugh but Helena and Dick burst into laughter and you could see steam coming from Damian's ears

"Okay I think we should rise up above this" Zack said gaining more laughter from Jon, Dick and Helena

"I hate you all, it's official" Damian said

As it approached midnight the adults walked into the front room and woke the kids who had fallen asleep, they counted down from ten and the parents kissed their partner and the kids hugged each other. After that everyone who didn't live in the house began to leave and the twins and David tiredly went to bed followed by their dads.

"Happy New Year, baby" Jon said kissing him

"Happy New Year, beloved" Damian replied

"What was your resolution" Jon asked

"To be nicer, you" Damian replied

"To protect the three of them with all my heart to a better standard then what we are doing already, since they are the best thing we have put into this world" Jon said

"That's sweet, and they are, they are our legacy" Damian stated as he hugged Jon tight

The two began to drift off to sleep in the presence of each other's body warmth. As they did fall asleep not a single sound could be heard through the house as the children all slept soundly and they did the exact same as Damian lay his head on Jon's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

The End

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