Chapter 19 - The Batgirls

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Wayne Manor July 16th 11:25
Selina was finishing up with putting her make up on when Bruce walked into the room and stopped dead in his tracks while in his lunge wear and looked at Selina with a puzzled look.

"I didn't forget an anniversary did I" Bruce asked

"Yes" Selina replied

"Which one" Bruce asked completely and utterly lost

"The one where I screw with you to see that priceless look that you have on right now" Selina laughed

"Ohh your good" Bruce said

"I try best" Selina stated

"Then where are you going" Bruce asked

"I am meeting with Cass, Steph, Barbara and Helena for lunch" Selina replied

"That's one lunch I'm glad to be missing" Bruce laughed

"Yeah you are you wouldn't want to hear half the stories" Selina joked

"Well enjoy yourself" Bruce said

"Will you be fine without me" Selina asked

"Yeah Alfred is still here" Bruce joked

"Well I'll be home around three, I'll see you then" Selina said kissing his cheek

"Bye enjoy yourself" Bruce stated

Selina left the Manor and got into her car and drove off to the Gotham Mall and headed to one of the many café's within the mall. When she arrived at it Helena and Steph were already seated and waiting.

"Hi Mom" Helena said standing up

"Helena how are you my darling and Steph it's been too long" Selina said hugging her daughter

"Hey" Cass said arriving with Barbara

"Hey you two" Steph said

"So what's on the table for discussion today" Babs asked

"Anything but work" Helena laughed

"I agree completely and endorse that statement" Steph said

"I thought we said no work talk" Cass said

"What" Steph asked

"She's a politician all they do is get endorsements" Babs replied

"Okay that's it work talk finished" Selina said

They sat around talking for a bit before Helena stopped the conversation to make a big announcement.

"Okay I wanted you guys to be the first to know that Zack and I are getting married and we are expecting" Helena announced

"No way, your joking" Steph said

"No I am not" Helena replied playfully

"Hel I am so proud of you and you made the right choice with Zack, your father will be thrilled" Selina said

"We should celebrate, let's go clubbing" Steph suggested

"I worry about you sometimes" Cass said

"That's so nice, but why" Steph asked

"No reason whatsoever" Cass trailed off

"Well we can't" Babs stated

They were interrupted by gunshots, they looked out the café window to see clown masked assailants with rifles as well as The Joker and Punchline. They were wheeling a shopping cart with what looked like a laughing gas bomb in it. The group got up and made their way out a back door and suited up and came in via the ceiling.

"No, no, no, Spoiler you're spoiling the fun" Joker spat as she landed in front of him

"How long did that joke take you to form" Steph asked

"It just came to me" Joker exclaimed swinging a blade at her which was whipped out of his hand

"No Harley to keep you in check anymore" Selina asked

"He doesn't need her" Punchline replied

"I wasn't talking to you, Joker has the cat got your tongue or something" Selina asked

"Hey enough chit chat, we have some asses to kick" Cass said attacking two of the armed goons

"Is that your plan, just hit at people" Babs asked

"Yeah, got a better one" Cass replied

"Not right now" Babs exclaimed dodging bullets

While they did that, Helena marched towards Punchline and kicked her in the back

"Huntress, I've been waiting for our rematch. I've been thinking of nothing but it since you and your stupid bird friend locked me up" Punchline stated

"Really you cared for me that much, that makes me feel terrible I have not cast a single thought your way" Helena replied

"I'm going to gut you like a fish for locking me up" Punchline spat

"You can try" Helena said attacking her

Punchline did a few cartwheels backwards before taking out too small but long sharp blades and spun them around her fingers

"Wow what an amazing skill let me try" Helena mocked taking out two batarangs

She could do it but she decided to do half the spinning before throwing the two batarangs, Punchline dodged one but the other grazed her cheek. While she went after Punchline, Joker tried to run away to escape but Selina used her whip and it wrapped around his neck and then used her leg to pull him back.

"Where do you think you're going" Selina asked

"I know when I'm beat and I have another surprise waiting for me outside" Joker replied

"Well it's going to have to wait" Selina said tightening the whip around his neck

"The GCPD are almost here" Babs exclaimed disarming another goon

"Great how long has it been, response time is very poor" Cass stated

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that" Babs replied

They finished off the goons and Selina kept Joker on the end of her whip while Helena finished off Punchline. When they did the GCPD arrived and officers entered the shopping mall and picked up and dragged Joker, Punchline and Goons out to the vans and cars and drove off with them.

"So what now?" Steph asked

"Lunch is ruined and it looks like everyone is closing up" Helena replied

"We could go back to the Manor and have Alfred make tea" Selina suggested

"I've to go to the Precinct with all these arrests I'll talk to you all later" Babs said grappling away

"Let's just move somewhere, it's kinda weird the four of us just standing here fully suited up" Steph laughed

"Agreed, I'll race you to the roof last one up has to do everything the other asks for a week" Cass challenged

"Your on" Steph replied the two ran off to find the stairs instead of using their grappling hooks

Selina and Helena laughed to themselves before exiting through the roof where they entered. Once on the roof they waited for Steph and Cass before getting out of their suits and heading to their vehicles and driving back to the Manor where they sat and had tea finishing their conversation from earlier without Barbara present.

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