Chapter 14 - The Squad

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Fortress of Solitude March 5th 13:45
Harley and Ivy were walking through the Fortress of Solitude and were in the main corridor towards the training facility. It had been a month since the incident with the skull ship and nothing had been communicated between either party on either side of the force field.

"Harley when can we ditch this place, I like the freezing cold but when I do it not when it's everywhere" Frost asked

"We have to stay Robins orders" Harley responded

"Harls are we really taking orders from a sidekick" Boomerang asked

"If you wanna stay outta prison then yea, we are" Harley replied

"We have done nothing but train, I am already the best shot in the world I'm done" Floyd announced

"Sit down" Talia ordered

"Your not in charge princess" Floyd said gritting his teeth

"A sword is always better then a gun" Talia spat

"Then let's go" Floyd said

"Stop" Ivy said wrapping them in vines

"Will you stop bickering amongst yourselves" Damian said from the doorway

"We will try" Harley laughed

"Talia with me" Damian ordered

Talia followed Damian out of the room and they went outside the Fortress and stood over looking the horizon.

"What do you want my son" Talia asked

"To know how your doing" Damian replied coldly

"I'm fine, I'm better then when my son wrongfully incarcerated me" Talia stated

"I didn't wrongfully do anything, you were out of control" Damian spat

"I wasn't" Talia replied

"The Lazarus pit warped your mind" Damian stated

"That's what you think" Talia replied

"As soon as this is over I'm locking you away and I am never going to visit you again" Damian said

"No you won't by the time this is over you'll see I'm right, like I always am" Talia stated

"Mother" Damian exclaimed

"Son, you'll see that I am right like all those times before you came to live with your Father, your Father made you weak" Talia replied

"You may have given me life, but Father taught me how to live" Damian exclaimed

"Damian I am your Mother, listen to me and you will do as I say" Talia stated

"No, no your not. You stopped being my Mother when you went into that Lazarus pit and you no longer have a son" Damian spat walking away

Talia watched as he walked before walking back into the Fortress of Solitude herself. She made her way to the training facility where the squad was suiting up.

"What's going on?" Talia asked

"There are Parademons and Robots coming from the sky and we're are being mobilised" Floyd replied

The Squad suited up and left the Fortress, they then proceeded to make their way to Gotham City via Boom Tube. Once they arrived the grabbed the attention of the attackers by any means necessary.

"Hey Red give me a boost" Harley called

"Sure" Ivy said throwing Harley up with a giant plant

Harley was sent flying through the air and through the attackers hitting them and swinging her mallet around in the air laughing uncontrollably while on the ground Killer Frost shot Ice Spikes into the air and Deadshot fired round after round into the air. Ivy, Captain Boomerang and Talia stood on the ground making there way through the enemies on the ground.

"How is there so many" Boomerang asked

"They've had time to prepare" Talia responded

"Well let's make sure that none of them leave Gotham" Frost exclaimed

"YEEHAW" Harley screamed as she crashed to the ground on the back of a Parademon before tumbling onto the pavement

"Harley this isn't the time for fun and games" Ivy stated

"All the time is time for fun and games" Harley said smiling

"Well if this is fun, it ain't over yet" Floyd stated as they were surrounded

Talia ran into a crowd of attackers and began slicing through them with a single blade until she made a move that split the sword in two and she began using dual blades. Killer Frost follwed her lead and grew two ice spikes from each of her arms and used them like dual blades.

Captain Boomerang threw boomerang after boomerang into the crowd and it wasn't effective until he began to use his explosive boomerangs, while he did that Ivy began growing giant plants from underneath the attackers but mainly giant thorns that pierced through the armour of the robots and Parademons.

Deadshot made his way to a nearby rooftop and began firing down on the crowd and occasionally using a few rockets. Harley however unlike the others ran in without thinking and just sound her mallet around until it snapped when it hit a Parademon.

"You broke my favourite hammer, I'm going to kill you" Harley screamed pulling a revolver from her holster

Harley began firing shot after shot until she was out of ammo she then found a lead pipe and used that like her baseball bat. She then went back and joined Ivy and Boomerang and just swung at the attackers to keep them away.

Meanwhile in Space above Earth
Darkseid was on the mothership looking down on the Earth below. He was standing there with his arms behind his back when he saw Brainiac's ship move out and obscure his view of the planet below.

"Brainiac are we making final approach now or are you just getting ready" Darkseid asked

"We will be moving soon, I'm just getting ready" Brainiac replied

"Well here is to our success" Darkseid stated

"Our success will be glorious and I will finally get my prized possession back and add more to my new collection" Brainiac replied

"And the Earth will die after we release Anti-Life, Desaad" Darkseid announced

"Yes my Lord" Desaad replied

"Where is the final part of the Anti-Life Equation" Darkseid asked

"It's within in the one created by the mother box" Desaad replied

"The Cyborg, interesting" Brainiac said

"Then we aim to extract him" Darkseid stated

The three got ready for the final attack, Darkseid made his way to check on Granny Goodness to make sure that she and her furies were ready for the attack which was imminent.

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