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today was the first night i noticed the glowing light coming from their backyard. it was dim, yet noticeable.

i couldn't see where it came from. up in the trees? why would someone be up there at this time?

the only things i knew about the next door neighbors is that there was a woman and her son about my age, along with her boyfriend. i rarely saw their son. i don't know what happened to her first husband.

often times, i would hear yelling and then see the son storm out of the house into the backyard. he ran into the woods, out of ,my sight.

i think his name was ashton. he was tall - well, taller than me - with curly brown hair. that's about all i knew.

somehow, he intrigued me. in a way, he intimidated me. he was just a mysterious character overall, never really showing his face.

i watched from my bedroom window as the light in the trees flickered every once in awhile. i was tempted to go out and see what it was.

as time went on, the light dimmed and eventually went out. i stared into the darkness, watching the trees for any movement.

then, a tall, dark figure walked across the backyard and quickly went into the house.

i watched in confusion as the figure then came out a little later, holding things in their arms. the figure was facing the house, leaning forward slightly as if they were talking intently to someone.

they then turned in frustration and made their way back to the woods, finally disappearing from my sight.

this day forward, i would always notice this routine, making me curiouser and curiouser.


thank you very much YummyCookie for this idea :-)


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