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votes & comments are highly appreciated xx

ps - read author's note at the end ?! thanks lol

"he what!?"

"alice, shut up."

"no, no. i want to know everything again," alice told me in a serious tone. "everything."

it was now sunday, the sky partly cloudy. after ashton had dropped me off last night, he pulled me in again to kiss me goodnight before heading towards his backyard.

i could barely get to sleep last night. i stared at my ceiling replaying the night in my head over and over.

it was probably the best night of my life, considering i had never kissed a guy. alice came over the next day and i told her all about it, except now i didn't feel like explaining anything anymore.

"pizza, playground, swings, kiss. there," i told her unenthusiastically. at the moment, i really wasn't in the mood, considering ashton hadn't contacted me nor come over today.

i guess i shouldn't think like this, but i was. he never said we were a thing, anyway, so i shouldn't be so clingy.

"have you talked to him today?" alice asked, twirling a piece of her hair, which was now dyed a sort of mint green.

i shook my head, frowning in disappointment. i pulled my knees to my chest and fell backwards onto the bed, laying on my side.

"don't be so down. we should go do something. how about shopping?" alice edged me on. a smile formed on my face. i slowly untangled all my limbs and stood up from my bed. "shoes?" i asked.

alice rolled her eyes and nodded with a laugh.

you could say i had a slight obsession with shoes. hence the word slight. alice and my mom said i had an addiction. but, i just liked shoes. i mean, who doesn't?

i was wearing some oversized gray sweatshirt and leggings, so i pulled on my black vans, grabbed my wallet, and we were off.

we got in alice's car, but i forced her to let me drive. i put her keys in and pulled out of the driveway.

we were driving along happily, singing loudly to one of her cds. i caught a glimpse of the park from yesterday, smiling slightly to myself.

once we pulled into the parking lot of the mall, i noticed a familiar car. i stared at it, but couldn't quite remember who's it was.

we walked into the mall and went directly to the shoe store, finding ourselves face to face with two familiar people.

"luke? michael?" i called out to them, causing them to turn around.

luke widened his eyes. "oh.. hey bree," he shot a look at michael, who was looking at me in shock.

"what are you guys doing here?" i glanced beside me at alice, who was eyeing michael. i held back my laughter and turned back my attention to the two guys.

"just looking for shoes," michael said bluntly, gesturing towards the shoes around us.

i rose my eyebrow at him. "i would've never guessed," i chuckled slightly, before turning to alice. "this is alice. alice, this is luke and michael. err, they're ashton's friends."

"hey," alice said softly, almost in a whisper. luke and michael smiled slightly at her as they bounced on the balls of their feet. they seemed up to something.

after an awkward silence, i sighed and said, "well, we'll see you guys later." alice and i walked past them to get farther into the store.

as i glanced back at them over my shoulder at them, the two had already bolted from the store. i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, wondering what was up with them.

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