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after another showing of mean girls and a couple other movies, ashton finally made michael and luke leave.

"but, no! another movie!" luke whined, reaching his arms out towards the laptop as ashton pushed him towards the door.

"no, luke. you can go watch movies at michael's," ashton sent a smirk in the direction of michael, who was curled up in a ball on the floor.

he widened his eyes and stood up quickly before placing a hand on his head. he rubbed his temples once before replying. "why me?! just send him home to watch movies!"

"because liz will find out he got drunk. he's still a bit.. crazy. and your parents are out of town, remember?" ashton pointed out, now pushing michael towards the door.

"but ashy!" luke whined, pouting.

"bye luke, michael!" ashton exclaimed over dramatically, literally shoving them down the ladder. he slammed the door shut and sighed.

i hugged my legs to my chest and chuckled, watching as he walked back to sit down next to me.

"now what?" i rose an eyebrow up at him.

ashton looked at me in silence, smirking slightly. he examined my face and moved his hand up, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

a chill went down my spine and he traced his long finger over my jaw and around to my other ear. his eyes lingered on my lips and then he tapped his finger cheekily on the tip of my nose.

he smiled slightly and then locked eyes with mw. i felt my cheeks heat up and i dropped my eyes to look at my hands.

"you're so naive," he murmured, keeping his eyes on me.

"what?" i asked, raising my eyes back to his.

"you're just so beautiful and you don't know it," he whispered nonchalantly, returning to trace my face.

i resisted the urge to break out into song and instead let out a halfhearted chuckle. "yeah, right," i sighed, dropping my eyes again.

"see?" ashton said quietly. "my case has been proven."

i shook my head quickly. "i'm far from beautiful. if anything i'm the definition of hideous. that i know for a fact."

"please shut up," ashton lifted up my chin so i would look at him.

"why?" i pretended to pout, but a soft smile broke through.

"stop bringing yourself down. you are the most beautiful human being i have ever laid eyes on. other than my mom, but," ashton shrugged, chuckling.

i felt my cheeks heat up as his hazel eyes stared at me intently. i dropped my eyes with a shrug. "thanks," i mumbled.

ashton hesitantly removed his hand away from my chin and put it in his lap. "i have a question," he said a little nervously.

i curiously glanced up at him to find him staring at the ground and biting his lip in an attractive way.

i reluctantly tore my eyes away from him. "alright."

ashton didn't answer at first. he just sat there contemplating what he was going to say. he finally let out a sigh and looked back up at me.

"w-will you maybe, i mean if you want, kinda like go on a date with me?" he furrowed his eyebrows as the words spilled from his mouth. he rolled his eyes and with a chuckle, scratched the back of his neck.

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