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(this chapter will be in alice's point of view. NOT BREE. 😏👌🏼)

alice's pov

as the day went on, i became even more anxious for lunch with michael. i kept glancing up at the clock, planning on immediately finding bree and using her car to get there on time.

there was no point of walking; i'd get all sweaty and that wouldn't look good at all. plus, it was kinda far to walk.

the bell rang for lunch and i bolted from the class. i looked around the hall for any sight of bree, but she wasn't exactly the tallest in the school.

i sighed in annoyance and walked down the hall to her biology class, impatiently waiting for the teacher to let them out.

i spotted her talking to a girl from her class as she walked out, but i didn't care bothering to learn her name. i mean, if you have me as a friend, there's no need for anyone else, anyway.

"bree!" i pushed my way through the crowd of people streaming out of the class, receiving some rude remarks, which i ignored.

i saw bree say bye to the other girl and made her way over to me. "i thought you were going out with michael?" she asked as she approached me.

"i am," i reassured her. "but i realized you drove me here, so can i borrow your car?" i bit the inside of my cheek.

bree groaned and dug through her bag. she tossed me the keys and i squealed for joy. "don't crash it," she pointed a finger at me.

i nodded quickly. "see you later!" i called to her as i ran off, pushing though tue front doors.

i got into bree's car and checked the time. 12:25. "crap," i mumbled and put the key into the ignition quickly. i was supposed to meet michael at 12:30, but i wanted to be kind of early.

i left the parking lot and started driving a little bit over the speed limit towards the café i was meeting michael at.

i pulled into a parking spot at exactly 12:30, but pulled down the sun visor and flipped open the mirror. i fixed my hair and touched up some of my makeup before putting it back up.

i quickly got out of the car just as the person parked next to me was getting out of theres. i glanced at them halfheartedly, but then did a double take and realized who it was.

"michael!" i called to him. he turned around in surprise and gave a small smile. we walked towards each other and i remembered how tall he was.

"hey. sorry i'm a bit late," he apologized, running a hand on his black hair, which was mostly hidden underneath a black snapback.

"it's cool, i just got here, anyway. i realized i didn't take my car to school, so i stole bree's," i told him as we slowly made our way towards the entrance of the café.

"stole?" michael smirked, amused. he walked in front of me and opened the door for me. i giggled and nodded, quickly walking inside.

the host greeted us and led us to a table out on the patio. he handed us menus and left with our drink orders.

"soo.." michael and i both said at the same time and started laughing.

"how was school so far?" michael asked, fixing his green eyes on mine.

i sunk back into my chair, admiring him. "lame," i mumbled, watching his eyes light up in amusement and his lips turn upwards.

"i bet," he chuckled. "i kinda gave up on school. it wasn't helping me, so i just left."

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