𝟒𝟏 | Existential dread

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Chapter dedication: pweetyaffy Thanks for your votes and hilarious comments. They keep me going📌

Before proceeding, don't forget to vote and comment :)

Sometimes, existential dread comes ringing through loud and clear
I'll adjust and simply let go, I guess it is what it is.

I'm not sure of what's coming next, but I'll be alright. As long as I keep breathing, I know I'll be alright.

"Guys, i—"

"That sick and deranged psychopath! She doesn't deserve to live." Kiki seethes, proceeding to hiss loudly.

"Reason why I didn't support this from the beginning. God!" Jerry cuts in immediately.

"But it—"

"Stop pulling the blame card guys. We can't cry over a spilled milk." Jamal casually replies as he successfully cuts my speech off. I've been trying to speak for over five minutes since this group video call started but then again, they've been doing the talking. Cutting all my sentences short.

"Ara, are you okay?" Jide who has been unusually quiet, finally speaks up and this time, his speech is directed to me. Not expecting any of my friends to give me immediate attention, I shut my eyes firmly, wishing for the hunting images to disappear.

"I...I don't know how I feel honestly." The ride back to the hotel we lodged at was densely quiet as I or Ayo didn't exchange a single word. My throat feels so patched because of lack of water and food but I simply lay beneath my duvet and placed a video call across, to my friends. I guess speaking with them would make me feel much better.

The next silence that follows is so stiffly that I start reasoning maybe the network has cut them off.

"Aramide..." Jide trails off as his face hosts a very heavy expression. "You'll be fine I promise." Since I am underneath a thick duvet, they cannot see my facial expressions as it is stark darkness in here. But thiers, I can see it clearly.

"When are you coming back to Lagos?" Jerry asks softly as he adjusts his head on his pillow. I bite my lips uncertainty at that. Truth is, the decision lies on my brother. Left for me, we're done with this shitty place and I can't wait to return back to Lagos. I really do not see the need to remain in this place.

"Before Christmas eve I guess." I put a random speculation incase AY might have other plans in us being here.

"That won't be bad a—"

"Kiki, where did you keep my skateboard?" Another voice apart from my friends, pipes in as our eyes all divert to Kiki's screen and my eyes almost bulges out as realization sinks in. Tobias strolls to enter her room lazily and his back is facing us. His bare back for that matter! He isn't aware that we are having a video call and he is casually flexing his muscles.

My whole demeanor instantly switches as I feel bothered by this. Thank God my friends cannot see me because it would be embarrassing as hell to see my face that is now a blushing mess.

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