𝟎𝟑 | Resumption morning

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So I'm excited for this chapter. Have y'all read THOSE LITTLE THINGS by lovetori_xo? the book is so superb and we're working together to make our books exist in the same fictional world!!! Cool right? Hehe just read on


Bring out your sunshine wherever you go.


I can feel the pain. The heavy weights of betrayal. The acrimony and the surge of revenge as I read the sprawled words on my mother's diary. I don't know what made me pick my mother's diray at 5:32am of a chilly and sweet Monday morning. The Monday morning might have a tingling serene to it, but deep in my soul I am afraid. I am damn scared and Fear overcame me ever since the realisation of going to school hit me.

Hit me like a double edged sword.

All the bullying. All the taunts. All the hardships. All the false accusations. They all linger at the deepest part of my memory box located at the most sensitive part of my innermost man. I cannot think straight at all. The day my mother almost ended my life rears itself as an unending memory. Something that refuses to burry itself in the past. And I cannot help, but to link everything to my former school. It hurts a lot.

Sleep evaded me ever since every family member decided to call it a good night. So you can imagine the situation I am currently in. I didn't sleep for a whole six hours. I'm just staring into the starless chilly sky after reading a page of my mothers diary and gave up. The emotions behind them are too raw for my pretty little heart.

"Wake up its a beautiful Monday!" I hear the horrible sing-song voice of my brother as I pace round my room, thinking and trying hard on how to atleast ditch my first day in school. I wince and scramble to my bed, pick up my pillow and use it to block out his voice and pretend to sleep. You know that feeling, when you just have this rare hatred towards your loved ones on a Monday? yeah that's what I'm prolly feeling towards my brother right now.

"What the hell Ay! I had an alarm incase you didn't know." I grumble as I get down from the queen-sized waterbed stretching. No need to pretend to him again.

Can't I just sleep in peace? and maybe add two hours for me to sleep too?

"Well I need to be assured, cause you sure do look like some piece of shit." He replies as he settle himself on my bed. He is not joking at all. I probably look like a mad woman who escaped from the asylum just because I have not slept at all.

"Gee thanks for stating the obvious." I yawn heavily before I continue. "And please stop making stupid grand entrances like that." Rolling my eyes, I go into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and take my bath. I wrap my towel securely round my body and come out after I was done. I meet my brother arranging my uniform and stuffs on my bed already.

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