𝟏𝟎 | Trance-mare

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Cover above by iamstells Thanks b❤️❤️

~Not edited!~

"Sorry, the MTN number you're trying to call is unreachable at the moment. Please try again later, thank you."

The irritating and monotonous voice of the customer care line says for the sixth time in a row. Never in my life have I considered being desperate in killing someone. But right now, I'm going to murder the owner of this annoying voice which is the customer care lady if she does not shut up.

I've been trying to call AY for a while now, and he is not picking up. I know my brother like, from the bottom of my heart. Never has he ever ignored my calls neither has his line ever been unreachable.

It feels so strange...

Please Ayo pick up this call.

My hands are terribly shaking, my breathing ragged and uneven. My mind going haywire. My soul is desperately trying to remain calm whereas my body is going into a delusional trance.

Everything seems surreal to me. How I ended up with a shredded school uniform at an unknown destination beats me to wonderland. The same question, keeps surfacing at the peak of my mental breakdown;

How did I get here?

I look to my left and right. Still, nothing felt real or sure. I clutch my phone tightly by my side as I rack my brain for something. But nothing seems to pop in. It feels like I have been stuck in this unknown destination for long and for some odd reasons, I feel both comfortable and uncomfortable.


Then suddenly, as if the angels from high are listening to my plight, the blazing blue sky with hues of orange pours down torrents of light. The effect of the light is so strong that I instantly understood what The weeknd meant when he sang blinding lights.

"Hello! Is-anybody there?" I call out with nervousness as I try to ascertain the sudden source of the streams of blinding lights. Everywhere becomes silent for a minute-until I hear a soft tune at the background. It isn't just an ordinary tune, but it seemed familiar. So familiar. The blinding lights reduces in fraction and turns to a neon pink scene.

Huh? What the hell?!

I get up from my crouching position slowly, while managing to cover my shredded uniform that is exposing me somehow. The tune, slowly switches to a familiar music--from male voices that seems oddly familiar. Like I've known them my entire life.

Who are they?

"Hey!" I call out again. But all I hear is the melodic voices that still booms from the neon pink background. I limp towards the music arena to finally see the owner of the voices. Jerry, Jide and Jamal.

Finally! familiar faces.

I almost leap in joy as I see them. A faint sense of homily feel, washes over me. I even discard the fact, that I'm half-naked. All that matters to me, is the sweet melody they are portraying and the feel of knowing them that keeps me in optimum.

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