0.1-hunter owens bitch

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chapter one

Niall sat his bag down infront of the cabin door he was assigned to, Cabin 14.

He muttered the rooms passcode to himself once more to remember it. He pressed the numbers on the keypad connected to the door, slowly.


Once he had pressed the enter button the door clicked open and he twisted the door handle to walk in.

The inside of the cabin was pretty large for just two people, he saw there was a bunk bed and a boy was already unpacking his things.

"Which one is yours?" He asked the boy who was too busy filling the dressers with clothes to even look at Niall.

"I don't care, pick one." The boy said and Niall rolled his eyes at the passivity then settled on the top bunk.

The boy finally turned from his task and looked at Niall who was completely blown away by how gorgeous the boy actually was. He had dark black hair, long eyelashes, tattoos that were scattered all over the places he could see. Niall has never seen anyone that gorgeous.

"Take a picture it last longer." The stranger rolled his eyes as he stuffed his suitcase under the bottom bunk.

"I wasn't staring at you." Niall scoffed, even though he was indeed staring at him.

"Yeah, whatever Blondie."

"Shutup." Niall muttered as he began to fill the other dresser with his clothes.

When he was down he put a photo of him and Harry on the dresser along with a separate picture of his parents.

The black haired boy snickered
and picked up the picture that had Harry on it.

"This is the kid that stalks me."

Niall snatched the picture from his hand and put it back on the dresser, facing downwards.

"You don't even know my name, and here you are already touching my things."

"What's your name, then?"

"Niall. You still can't touch my things." Niall said positioning the picture back to the way it was.

"I'm Zayn."

"Don't care." Niall walked away to look at the schedule on the door.

He saw that in 10 minutes they have a meeting to introduce all the counselors and talk about the activities that will occur the whole summer.

"He's hot though, is he your boyfriend or something?" Zayn asked about Harry.

"No, he's my little brother." He muttered before pulling out his phone to text Harry.

To: Little brother 🙇
; 1:39pm
I'll see you at the meeting in ten minutes?

He got a text back shortly after.

From: Little brother 🙇
; 1:41pm
Duh ! Can't wait to hear all about your roommate

He doesn't even know the half of it, his excitement level will go through the roof once he finds out Zayn's his roommate.

"We need to discuss some roommate rules, Neil." Zayn pointed out purposely saying Nialls name wrong.

"Like what?" Niall asked him.

"I don't want your lame ass friends touching my things when they come in here, If I bring someone home, leave the room you know unless you plan on joining."

Cabin 14》ziallWhere stories live. Discover now