1.5- regina's cabin, cabin 30

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㐅 chapter fifteen


"Would you hurry up?" I heard Liam say as I pushed the shower curtain back and got a towel to wrap around my body.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I told him as I walked to where he was, in the same room as my dressers where my clothes were.

"Where this, it's really hot." Liam told me as he threw a pile of clothes at me.

"You really have some steam to let off huh? Picking my clothes out while I'm in  the shower, what are you my mum?" I laughed at him while examining the clothes he picked out which weren't too bad, I mean I brought them so of course I would wear them.

He picked out a pair of some really distressed jeans, a flannel with no sleeves, and vans. He came closer to me to unbutton the first six buttons that I did all the way to the tippy top.

"You might as well just told me to take the whole shirt off." I laughed at how bare my chest felt once he undid the buttons.

"Put on that necklace on your dresser if It'll make you feel better." He said, and I did so since it was a good idea.

"We are going to have so much fun tonight Ni trust me, I'm going to get you drunker than you have ever been in your life." Liam told me, I don't have an issue with drinking, its the hangover part that bugs me.

"I'm trusting you, if I end up dead by the end of the night it'll for sure be at the tippy top of your resume once you get out of prison." I joked, as I locked my cabin door as me and Liam mad our way out.

We were walking and walking until we made it to Cabin 30,the very last cabin which belonged to the only person who had their own cabin. If my dad was the founder of camp Wacoma I would definitely take advantage of having my own room too.

Liam greeted her at the door,"Hello Regina."

"Hi !" She smiled brightly as she pulled us both in for a hug, I don't even know this girl why is she touching me? She must be hammered already.

Liam and I brushed past her to see that there is literally people everywhere, I was not prepared for this. There's people on the stairs, there's people sitting and standing on tables, and there's people in every room visible.

"Let's go get a drink." Liam said, and I nodded. By the looks of it Liam and I were better off just buying a bunch of booze because his only goal for tonight is to get us both so drunk that we forget about all of our problems. Which honestly, didn't sound so bad based on the predicament I'm in right now, maybe it will help me get Zayn off my mind for a few hours.

Liam handed me a red cup, then filled his up as well.

Well, here goes nothing, I thought before chugging down half of the cup. By the time I was done with half, Liam had finished his first one and was getting ready to make a second.

"Calm down Lightning Mcqueen." I told him which caused him to chuckle and spit out some of his drink, I gave him my cup so he could fill it completely before we moved away from the table that held all the drinks.

"Niall!" I heard a familiar voice shout over the music, which caused me to turn around to see Louis.

"Hey Lou." I smiled, he definitely was out of focus though, he was talking to me but looking everyone but where I was. HE was completely disoriented and drunk off his ass.

"I love you man." He told me before pulling me into a hug, almost spilling my drink.

"Okay Louis, get off please." I laughed, and he obliged.

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