0.9- make your relationshit official

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chapter nine

Niall's POV

"Wake up you disgusting wankers!" I heard which broke me out of my slumber.

Once I opened my eyes I saw it was Louis.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" I asked rising my head from Hunters chest and fixing my hair.

"If you must know, I have been looking all over for you because Liam's probably going to die in his room his breath smells so bad..he won't get up to do anything. I got in here by simply turning the doorknob since you two seem to think leaving the door unlocked was a perfect idea."

"What happened to him?" I asked, I'm assuming it's Harry but I asked just in case me immediately blaming my younger brother was an ineffective accusation.

"He's upset because of Zayn and Harry, jealous I guess." He told me.

"Okay, get out so I can put clothes on I'll be out in a second." I told him and he nodded.

I gently moved out of my spot off the bed so that could put on my clothes, as I was getting off the bed Hunter grabbed onto my wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"Liam's not feeling well, I have to go help him..I'll see you later okay? Text me." I told him and he nodded.

I leaned down to kissed him and he kissed me back before turning over to fall back asleep which I thought was cute.

After getting dressed I went into his bathroom and I spotted mouthwash which I rinsed my mouth off with. I used the faucet water to rinse off my face, before fixing my hair in the mirror.

I left his cabin and made my way to Liam's. He's probably sulking, watching chick flicks, and stuffing his face with ice cream because that's what everyone does when they're sad.

Once I made it to his cabin I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer it.

"Who is it?" I heard coming from inside.

"Niall, open up." I told him and he did. He looked tired as if he haven't slept all night, and he was in the same clothes he wore the night before.

It's 4:40pm and he still hasn't showered I reckon from what Louis told me.

"You smell so bad, I think I might pass out." I told him.

"Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically.

"Sorry, but it's true..what's going on with you?"

"You know what happened..I don't want to get up, I want to sit in my bed and rot." He told me and I shot a pillow at him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You're in this camp for a reason, you signed up to have fun..I will not allow you to sit in bed all day when you could be swimming in that big beautiful pool." I told him.

"I only want to swim if Harrys there, I just want to see him with his hair tied back and in those cute little yellow swim trunks that he wears."

"Would you stop torturing yourself?" I asked him.

"He's dating Zayn, I love him and he's dating someone else. That hurts Niall, you wouldn't understand..you've never liked someone that's dating someone else."

Actually I have I am right now, but I guess his case is way more severe.

"What can I do to help you?"

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