1.4- this liam and niall thing

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㐅chapter fourteen


"Game's over dude." Hunter said, which basically saved the awkwardness in the situation. I don't know if I was being paranoid thinking that everyone else knew exactly what Zayn was trying to do or this Hunter was just being my lifesaver purposely because he had caught on.

Either way I was grateful.

I cannot believe he just said that, I mean anyone would be mad if they had to jump into a lake naked but for him to throw that low of a blow shows me that he knows I have more riding on this than him. He'll take advantage of that from here on out.

"Off to the Lake!" Louis shouted bringing the attention of the other team as well who followed us all there, they decided to make their losing  member jump into the lake as well.

Everyone watched as Zayn and the girl who lost from team 2 stripped until they reached their underwear.

I particularly watched Zayn.

I don't know whats wrong with me, I try to hate him so bad and the things he does to me should make it even easier for me to hate him. It's just everytime I look at him all my negative thoughts go away.

Keep your game face on Niall, missing someone is a apart of moving on from them and I'm starting to accept that him and I will never be. No matter how bad I want him to be this perfect guy, and no matter how much I want Harry to understand that this is the only guy I genuinely ever wanted, most likely that will never happen.

It doesn't matter though, I can't be blinded by his looks.

He's still a shitty person, and he doesn't deserve anyone like me.. or my brother.

"On Three?" The girl who was set to jump in the pool turned to Zayn to say.

Zayn wasn't up for it,  before the girl could even count to two he was jumping into the Lake without her, and he was out before she even touched the water.

People cheered as he dried himself off with a towel,

"Fuck off." He snarled before rushing off away from the group.

I looked around to make sure no one would see before I ran after him, he needs to hear what I have to say. He doesn't just get to be a jerk to me, and I just take it.

"Stop running you coward!" I yelled after him after chasing him all the way back to the front of our cabin.

"Sorry I don't want to spend not one more second drenched in this filthy crap."


"I don't care, what was that huh? Why would you say that infront of a whole group of people?" I asked, referring to this outburst when he found out he had lost the game.

"You were being a dick so I said something to shut you up, thought it was self explanatory. There was no reason for you to sabotage me to lose the game."

"No reason? How about the fact that you sabotaged my relationship with Hunter, and pretended to likes just to turn around and date my younger brother, AGAIN." I emphasized.

"Whatever, it's no big deal. No-one noticed that I was talking about us kissing anyway. So take me off your mind for five seconds and just leave me alone."

Taking him off my mind isn't the easiest thing to do, I mean I already tried doing that and it didn't work at all. He has done the worst things to me and I still thought about him every chance I got. How can he just take something so precious and important to me then expect me to stay away from him? I wish he would've just left me alone, I wish I never went to this dumb camp, and most of all I wish I never met Zayn.

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